Fantastic Marriage Lessons The Bravermans have Taught Me

Fantastic Marriage Lessons The Bravermans have Taught Me

Guys. I’m addicted to the show Parenthood. And I’m not ashamed in the slightest. I will say, though, that being this addicted to any show is somewhat inconvenient. I have a lot of blogging to do. I have to get my apartment ready for the Super Bowl party we’re hosting. And I have a lot going on with work. And yet, I spent all of yesterday evening vegging on the couch watching Parenthood. It’s a curse!

But it’s so good! I’m tearing up by the end of every episode. Pearson has watched a few with me, or at least he’s caught some parts, and he always says there’s no way he could handle this show and he doesn’t understand why I like it. I really consider it an addiction. But a good one.

Confession: I have watched on my phone at work when things were slow.
Confession: I am watching right now while writing (most of) this.

I tried to watch Parenthood after I finished Gilmore Girls the last time. That was last spring when I was super depressed. I watched 3 episodes and couldn’t watch any more.Once the Gilmore Girls revival came out and I read Lauren Graham’s new book, I knew I had to try Parenthood again. Lauren is my current woman crush and she never fails to wow me.

Anyway, while I don’t agree with everything in the show, there is a lot of great wisdom there. I’m only in the middle of season three but I’ve already learned so many lessons for marriage from the various couples in the show. So I wanted to share those with you today for #LoveBlog2017 since today’s prompt is “Fictional Love.”

So here are some lessons categorized by couple. Remember, I’m only on season three. Oh and there are some spoilers but they’re not that big.

Zeek & Camille:

  • Mistakes can be forgiven. Zeek made a big mistake in his past and it came up again when he lied about their financial situation. The couple split for a while, but eventually made up.
  • Don’t stay quiet and hold a grudge just for the sake of your marriage or kids. When Zeek made that mistake all those years ago, Millie didn’t make a big deal about it because she was putting on a show for the kids. That just made it all worse later.
  • Sometimes counseling is helpful. After they got back together, the went to marriage counseling despite the stigma and Zeek’s opposition. But it helped. A lot.
  • Give each other space and don’t be overbearing. 
  • Have your own hobbies. Millie paints. Zeek acts. They support each other, of course, but these are their own things.

Adam & Kristina:

  • Date night is important. Adam and Christina have a lot going on with work and their kids. They realize that they’re feeling disconnected and plan a date night or two. They then make sure nothing interrupts that time.
  • Work together, trust each other, and compromise.
  • You should do things you don’t want to do just because it’s important to the other person. Kristina hates Halloween but it’s a big deal in Adam’s family so she helps plan it. Adam goes to the Autism parents support group because Kristina thinks it’s important.
  • All your kids are important but your spouse is even more important. 
  • Communicate your scheduled so you’re on the same page. A team.
  • Trust is very important. Tell each other things even if it might hurt the other person.

Sara & Seth:

  • When you have kids together, there is a bond you can’t break. Years later, when you’re not together and after one person hits rock bottom, you’ll still be bonded. You’ll still be in each other’s lives. Be smart about that
  • Sometimes a person is so toxic, the best thing to do is get out of the marriage and get far away. Take care of yourself and your kids.

Julia & Joel:

  • Communicate! If one spouse is totally dominating the other where the latter has no say in anything, you have a problem.
  • Don’t talk to other people about your life before you even discuss it with each other. Joel got mad when his brother-in-law knew they were “trying” for another baby when he and Julia hadn’t even really talked about it yet.
  • It’s okay to be jealous of someone your spouse spends a lot of time with, but talk to them about it, let them know what you are and aren’t okay with, build and strengthen that trust. And the other spouse should respect your feelings and opinions and not get defensive.
  • Make room for each other. Especially after you have kids. Your spouse should be the most important person.

Crosby & Jasmine:

  • It takes more than simply having a child together to hold a relationship together. 
  • Some things in life are more important than exciting career opportunities. Jasmine decided to stay home with her family when she was offered a spot in a dance troupe touring Europe.
  • You should let the father be the father. Fathers are capable of taking care of children. Never belittle them. They are grown men, after all.
  • Respect each other’s family traditions. And create your own together.
It’s a pretty insightful (and addicting) show. Do you watch Parenthood? What would you add to my list? Thanks for reading!
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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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