#MaugerisDoCali Recap: Los Angeles: Warner Brothers Studio Tour

#MaugerisDoCali Recap: Los Angeles: Warner Brothers Studio Tour

If you missed yesterday’s post, read about our adventures in San Diego here.

So after driving 4 hours in terrible traffic from San Diego to Los Angeles on Friday afternoon, we settled into our Air BnB in LA. This Air BnB apartment was much better than the one in San Diego. We got there Friday night, dropped off our stuff, and went out for dinner and a little exploring. During dinner we made a plan for the rest of our time there. It was like Pearson and I switched roles. I am usually the one who has to have a plan but I really had a whatever attitude about this trip and he insisted on making a schedule.

Well, I’m glad he did because after dinner we bought tickets for the Warner Brothers Studio Tour the next morning! They were around $60 per person but they were so worth it! I don’t know why the tour isn’t more popular. We got tickets the night before for an 11 am Saturday tour with no problem. We saw everything I wanted to see in Los Angeles in one tour! (Be aware, the following post will have a LOT of pictures. You’ve been warned)

This is just a metal picture of the iconic water tower
The Water Tower was decorated for Batman vs. Superman

Our tour guide got to know the people on the tour. She found out what shows and movies we liked and what we didn’t care for so she would know what to focus on. Our group was awesome because we all cheered for Gilmore Girls, FRIENDS, and The Big Bang Theory while you could hear crickets when the guide mentioned Two and a Half Men, and Pretty Little Liars. It was great!

This was in the set design area. That is the bottom side of the floor of a set and it reads “BBT ER Waiting Room #2” (BBT means Big Bang Theory, btw). This will be in a future BBT Episode.
This is a street where they are currently filming the Netflix Gilmore Girls revival. Apparently Netflix is extra particular about spoilers and we couldn’t get any closer than this.
This is a strip of “Apartments’ where a lot of stuff has been filmed including Gilmore Girls.
This is the corner where Luke got arrested for kicking the dude’s car who was sleeping with his girlfriend. Remember?
This is where all the WB employees get early screenings of movies. It’s also used in filming though.
FRIENDS (along with just a couple other shows) got their own plaque outside the stage where all the magic happened.

We actually got to tour a couple sound stages. One for an upcoming show called Rush Hour and one for a pretty well know sitcom called The Big Bang Theory. (!!!) We couldn’t take our phones or cameras out while we were inside though.

Everything that’s been filmed on stage 25. Currently The Big Bang Theory
Everything that’s been filmed on Stage 14 (we didn’t tour this one) including the original Gilmore Girls.

We got to tour only part of the first floor of the prop house where anybody (including people from other studios) can come rent out props. So cool!

Multiple Agent Smiths
Creepy bunnies for something
Chandelier from Casablanca
A chair used in The Mindy Project
The Oval Office (minus the desk right now) used in a lot of things. Most recently: House of Cards

We also got to see all the Bat-mobiles from all the movies so far. (Not all of them are pictured)

Speaking of Bat-Mobiles, WB is celebrating 75 years of Batman. They’ve been making Batman movies for 75 years! So we got to see all the costumes from all the movies. That was really cool! Since this post is getting kinda picture heavy and I’m only half way done, I’ll only include pics of costumes from the most recent movies. The ones I was excited about. P.S. We’re going to see Batman vs. Superman tonight because our tour guide got us really excited for it.

Along with the Batman costumes, we also got to see all the Harry Potter costumes! Again, this is only a small portion of all the pictures I actually took.

That is the actual club that was used in the movies. It’s huge!
I was sorted into Slytherin, in case you were wondering.

After the guided tour was over, we got to explore Stage 48 which has been changed into a “Script to Screen” experience for guests.

The FRIENDS set was moved here after the show ended and Pearson got to play Joey in our own reenactment of a scene.
Pearson is a Hobbit…
I got to ride a broomstick in front of a green screen. We didn’t buy the video but it was pretty cool.
Pearson got to ride the Bat-Pod in front of a green screen.
I got to hold a real Oscar.

After we had our fill, we left the “Script to Screen” area and enjoyed coffee at Central Perk before browsing the gift shop and leaving with a couple souvenir coffee mugs.

We headed back to our apartment to change for our next (and last) adventure of the day: an AFV taping! We obviously weren’t allowed to bring phones or cameras with us there either, so unfortunately I don’t have any pictures. Sorry.

We really didn’t plan very well for this adventure. We had eaten very little that day and didn’t have enough time to get food before hand. We got there at the time our tickets told us (1.5 hours before show time) and there were already more than 150 people ahead of us in line. And we were apparently not dressed well enough even though the ticket said slacks and collared shirts were fine.

Therefore, we were put in the very back row of the studio. But we might still be on TV, so be sure to watch AFV on May 1st!

Have you ever been to LA? Ever done the WB Studio Tour? What was your favorite part?
Thanks for reading and be sure to come back Monday for the next installment!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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