Monthly Goals for March {2016}

Monthly Goals for March {2016}

Happy March everyone! Is it starting to look like spring where you are? It’s not here. But I’m not going to let that get me down. It’s currently 34 degrees here but it’s supposed to get up to 58 today. So I’m not complaining. However, I do have some sort of cold or allergies thing going on which is not fun. How do you know the difference? Anyone? I’d love to know!

But enough of my rambling. Lets get on to my goals.

Monthly Goals for March

Word of the Year:

Last month, I was supposed to keep a list of little things I’m thankful for. It didn’t happen. I mean I wrote them down some nights, but not as often as I wanted to. 
I’m going to continue trying to journal ever night this month. Also, some of my other goals in this post will help me focus on being more present.


I did not finish Fervent last month so I plan to continue reading it and I may or may not finish this month. I’m really enjoying the book and don’t want to rush it.
I also want to read through the book of Mark with Good Morning Girls starting on March 7th. This time, I’m going to keep up with it!
Also, as I talked about on Ash Wednesday, I am only listening to a-cappella wotship music (or instramental, non-lyric music when I’m working) until Easter. This has been such a blessing so far. I’m loving it!


In February I had a couple setbacks in my health that caused me to not complete the 21 Day Fix. I will not be continuing the challenge until I get cleared from my doctors.
However, I would like to start doing some of the workouts again. I’ll be doing lower body and cardio and anything else that does not involve my elbow. I will also continue to do the upper body exercises prescribed by my Physical Therapist.
As for the food part, I have been having stomach issues lately. One goal I’m setting is to go to a doctor this week and establish a healthy meal plan that will not upset my stomach so much. 


In February, I was supposed to finish reading The Princess Bride but I didn’t. I did come pretty close, however. And I was also supposed to binge watch all of Fuller House. Check!
This month, I will finish The Princess Bride and read at least one other book on my TBR list (not counting Fervent or The Argument Free Marriage – I’m already reading those within other goal categories).


Last month, I set the goal to continue weekly date nights. I think we did that but we didn’t do much planning ahead and we weren’t very intentional about it. I want to get back to that this month.
I also started reading The Argument Free Marriage with a group of wives on Facebook. I’ve fallen a little behind so this month I want to catch up and keep up!


I’d say #LoveBlog was rather successful on my blog last month. And, for the most part, I did schedule all posts at least a day ahead of time. However, I didn’t schedule a single most more than a day ahead of time.
This month, I’m cutting back. My only blog goal is to post no more than three posts per week. That’s right. I’m limiting myself. I plan to use the extra time to be present. To take care of myself. To read. And to possibly work through some of the online courses I’ve purchased but never finished.


I also gave up my snooze button for Lent. I haven’t succeeded every day since Ash Wednesday, but I’ve done pretty well. And this morning I didn’t snooze. So here’s to making it through all of March! Piggy backing off of that, I’m setting the goal to be in bed by 11 every night. 10:30 if I want to read in bed.
Also, we are both going to be better about sticking to our monthly budget. We’ve been keeping track of a budget since November, but we have had a hard time sticking to it.

So what are your goals for March?

Thanks for reading!

Linking up with Gratitude & Goals and Monthly Goals.
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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