How to Support Your Spouse Through a Life Changing Decision

How to Support Your Spouse Through a Life Changing Decision

First of all, I’d like to apologize to anybody who might have thought that I was pregnant from yesterday’s post’s title. However, I have to thank you all for all the love and support. I was overwhelmed by the response to that post both on the blog and on social media where I shared it (especially Facebook). I feel so loved and I had no idea so many people cared! (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you should probably go read that post before reading this one).

But there’s someone whose love and support I crave most of all and he gave it to me through this entire process. That’s Pearson. Y’all, I have the best husband in the world. Hands down.

Pearson supported my decision. He knew I was unhappy and he really wanted me to look elsewhere long before I started. He cares more about my happiness than money. He cares more about my happiness than any of the perks we had from my current job.

He also displayed such confidence in me through the whole process. When I would get discouraged because I didn’t get an interview or I didn’t get an offer and I would think that I would never find a job, he never wavered. He knew the right position would come along. He assured me that any company would be lucky to have me and that I would be an asset.

He always wanted to know everything going on in the job hunt world. He asked how every interview went and wanted to know all the details. He asked me every day what recruiters I talked to and what the new job opportunities of the day looked like. And he usually couldn’t even wait till he got home. He’d want me to give him all the details over IM during the day or at the very least over the phone on his way home.

He went shopping with me for interview attire. And he’s totally supportive of all the shopping I’ve done since accepting the new position. He even helped me pick out my perfect interview outfit and told me I look hot.

He agreed not to tell his parents or anyone until I got another job. Maybe this is a fault of mine, but I didn’t want to tell our parents until I found a job and officially quit my other. I didn’t want them to talk me out of it or to ask every day how things went and worry about it. Pearson is the type of person who tells everyone everything so this was quite a sacrifice for him.

He might be more excited than I am. Okay that’s probably not true. If you couldn’t tell from yesterday’s post, I’m pretty freaking excited. But so is he! He’s mostly excited that I am happy. In reference to my last point, as soon as I had word that I was the “best candidate” for the job I wanted and that they were “working on paper work,” Pearson wanted to tell everyone the good news. I made him wait till it was official.

So yeah… I have the best husband in the world. These are the things he did to support me through all this and they are certainly things you can do to support your spouse through something similar. I think marriage was invented so that we could have someone to do life with and love unconditionally. I’m so glad I found Pearson to be that person to me (and for me to be that person to him, of course).

Has your spouse ever supported you through something like this? Or vice versa? What did that look like?
Thanks for reading!

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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