The Move

The Move

Sorry this post is so late. We have been a little busy putting our apartment together which still is not finished and it is driving me crazy!
I didn't tak pictures first thing. 
Anyway, bright and early friday (August 3rd) morning we left my parents driveway in Sugar Hill, Georgia and headed to our apartment in Dublin, Ohio. The drive was so long! My dad and Pearson’s dad switched off driving the budget truck while we followed them very slowly.
When we walked into our apartment, we were surprised to see it decorated for us! Thank you Hughes’ and Cowans’. (They picked up our keys for us while we were still in the Bahamas).
Welcome Home poster in our kitchen
"Bisons to Buckeyes"
Sparlking cider to celebrate
"M" for Maugeri!
O-H-I-O State!
When our dads finally got here (we had left them behind somewhere around Cincinnati), we immediately started taking things out of the truck and the whole thing was emptied in less than an hour! And 2 rooms were basically completely set up.
The rest of the weekend was spent setting things up and showing our dads around Columbus. We ate at Eddie George’s Grille. We walked around the bookstore and the library, and we walked around the outside of Ohio Stadium (The Horseshoe).
The main enterence to the stadium.
Then, on Sunday, it was time for our dads to leave. Unfortunately I have no pictures of this. [:(] We drove them to Cincinnati to the airport and saw them off. We were finally on our own. When we got back to Dublin, we ate lunch and embarked on the first of our many trips to Target with a long shopping list and tons of giftcards! I like shopping with my new husband but being the beginning of August and in a college town, there were some frustrations. lol But that was expected.
We still haven’t put anything on the walls yet because there was confusion about whether we can use nails or not and then we couldn’t find command strips. Everyone was out of them because of people going to college etc etc blah blah blah. It is driving me crazy but we found out today that we can use nails with no problem so let the decorating begin!!
On another note: As if getting an apartment set up and me working and Pearson getting all registered for school wasn’t enough, we have to deal with changing my name and changing states. Yesterday, I ordered my new social security card with my new last name. Saturday we are getting new drivers licenses for Ohio and so my last name will be correct on there too. Then we have to get our cars registered in Ohio. Then I will deal with the bank and with work as far as my last name goes. There is a lot to do.
And I’ll leave you with this: Go team USA! I think this is the first year that I really have a lot of interest in the Olympic Games and we can’t even watch much with all the craziness of moving and getting settled.
Thanks for reading!
Mrs. Charlene Maugeri
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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