Operation Wardrobe Revamp

Operation Wardrobe Revamp

So recently I have been looking at some style blogs and paying more attention to fashion on Pinterest and on myself. I’m not really sure where the motivation for this came from. I realize since I work from home, I almost never get dressed up. And what I really mean by that is I wear pajamas or sweats most days. So my sense of style is getting a little slack.

Here is my fashion Pinterest page if you want to look at some blogs and pins inspiring me recently.

Sooo anyway, I decided it was time re-organize my closet. I switched my winter clothes out for summer/spring clothes, and started a “donation box”.

Get rid of clothes
There are 30+ items in there.
My plan was to take this box to Plato’s Closet to get some cash for what they would take and donate the rest. I would use the cash to buy some essentials there that I know my wardrobe is missing. Well, they only bought 2 items out of the box… I got a whopping $5.50. This is when I realized that I keep clothes for way too long. Plato’s Closet won’t take any of the stuff I am trying to get rid of because I basically wore it until I couldn’t anymore. This means nobody else wants to wear it either.
So I decided to tweak my collection a little and try again. I added some bags and accessories I never wear or use. I took out items I knew they wouldn’t buy, or at least not this season (sweaters and jackets). Some items I left in but I washed and ironed them first.
Get rid of clothes
Now just a half-full paper bag- 5 clothing items, 2 bags and some jewelry.
They bought 1 shirt (a retry), both bags and about half the jewelry for a total of $12.90. This is when I realized my clothes are not trendy enough for Plato’s Closet… Hmmm…
So what did I buy with my $18.40 (plus a little more)?
  • This denim jacket because I didn’t own one and I love them on other people. And it goes with pretty much anything. 
Jean Jacket
  • These supper cute red jeans. I am loving colored denim right now and have been wanting a red pair for a while.
Red skinny jeans
  • This perfect neutral cardigan. I have a black one and several fun colors, but nothing white, tan, or any kind of neutral.
Neutral Cardigan

I feel so much better having all those items out of my closet. They will be donated soon, but not for money.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I am in love with these pants. I bought them from the Kohl’s clearance rack a couple weeks ago, so I figured they could be considered part of the wardrobe revamp.

Floral Skinny Jeans
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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