Thankful Thursday: Netflix

Thankful Thursday: Netflix

How did I forget a Thankful Thursday post yesterday? I guess I have been so busy getting ready for showers and weddings, it just completely slipped my mind. 🙂

Today (late again) for Thankful Thursday I am thankful for…


So basically, Pearson and I have lived off of Netflix since we got married. This could be a bad thing. Maybe I shouldn’t say that… Hmm. Anywho….
When we first got a Netflix account right after we moved, we started watching Supernatural from the beginning. We watched 7 seasons in 4 months and got caught up to what is on TV. Then we watched the first season of Once Upon a Time and caught up with that too. We then watched The 10th Kingdom (cheesy but oh so good), the entire Heroes series, and many movies. Read other posts about these here and here.
I am thankful for Netflix because it is so easy to watch shows and movies anywhere. I watch on my laptop, our Xbox, and my phone. It has also allowed us to find new stuff that we wouldn’t watch if we didn’t have an account. It is pretty sweet.
Thanks for reading a late and quick Thankful Thursday!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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