Releasing Selfish Motivations {Monthly Marriage Goals}

Releasing Selfish Motivations {Monthly Marriage Goals}

I am continuing with The Love Dare challenge and the monthly marriage goals link up today. If you are just joining, you can read about the book study here and last week’s goals here (as well as clicking the buttons below). 
The past couple weeks have been difficult and a little crazy in my world. Work has been a bear. I lost my childhood pet. I feel like I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. So somehow during all this, I got behind on my reading again. Today is the 16th of October and I read day 13 this morning. I honestly do not know where I lost 3 days. That is kind of frustrating, but I am not going to let it discourage me. 
I have noticed this week, that some of these dares are coming at perfect times in my life. Isn’t it cool when God has a plan like that? For instance, Day 8’s dare was more or less to praise your spouse for something they succeeded with instead of being jealous. I could not think of anything in the recent past notable to use for this. That day, Pearson got home from school and told me that his teacher singled him out and told him he was very impressed with how he was performing in class. I was honestly so proud of him and happy for him. This is sort of a silly example, but I also just wanted to brag a little on my brilliant husband. 😉 Also, Day 6 talked about how stress “weighs you down, drains your energy, weakens your health, and invites you to be cranky.” It is so true. I have been pretty stressed this week and thanks to The Love Dare, I have taken extra caution to not be cranky towards Pearson. It is easier said than done.
So on to what this post is supposed to be about [but hey, it’s my blog and I do what I want]… My goals for the next week are, first of all, to stay on track, even with my family coming to visit this weekend. But also to not have a selfish attitude at all. The book explains that a lot of our human actions and reactions are fueled by selfishness. Deep down, we humans tend to want what’s best for us, even if it doesn’t really show on the surface. That is not a good foundation for a marriage. For the remainder of this book study and on throughout our marriage forever, my goal is to not have hidden selfish motives for my actions. I will do and say things out of pure, unconditional love for my husband because that is what I promised to him and to God on that wonderful day 15 months ago.
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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