GBTL: Things I’m Doing Differently This Year

GBTL: Things I’m Doing Differently This Year

Happy New Year everyone! This week’s Girl Between the Lines topic is “What is one thing you will do differently in 2014? This could be a goal you didn’t meet, a promise you didn’t keep, or a reoccurring bad habit. Is there anything specific that you will continue to do?”

This year, Pearson and I have decided to read the Bible all the way through. I can’t tell you how many times I have started this in January and given up after a month or two. This year I’m sticking to it! I really think having an accountability partner will help. Especially one that lives under the same roof as me. We plan to read in the evenings from our Bible that our wedding party gave us when we got married. I am so excited about this “New Year’s Resolution.”

Another thing I am going to do differently in 2014 is to simply to live a healthier lifestyle. I’m not going to go on a crazy fad diet. I’m not going to kill myself at the gym every day. I am just going to be more conscious of what I eat and be more active.
When you work a desk job out of your home, it is so easy to just roll out of bed, walk to the next room to sit in front of a computer all day, then just watch a bunch of TV at night and go to bed. Some days I don’t even change out of my pajamas and most days I snack on junk the whole time. That is going to chang this year. I am going to start getting up early enough to eat a good breakfast-including coffee-before I have to log in for work. I am going to do Pilates videos on my lunch breaks and work some cardio in here and there. I will  try to actually walk the dog around the park every once in a while instead of just stepping outside long enough to do his business. I say try because, well it’s cold outside! Pearson and I both brought our bikes back from our parents’ houses so when it gets warmer we will start going on regular bike rides. However, until it gets warmer, I’m going to have to make myself go to the workout facility to use the treadmills. Yuck!
And lastly, in 2014 I am going to work on trust. As I talked about on Monday, I need to trust God, myself, and my friends.

What are you doing differently this year? Share your thoughts and go link up with Hayley!

Thanks for reading!

P.S. January is my birth month! To celebrate, I’m offering 40% off all my ad spots for the whole month! View the options on my Sponsor page and use promo code “BirthMonth” at checkout! 
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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