Well ladies and gents, we made it to Friday! Hallelujah! My week has been pretty stressful to say the least. And cold. It’s been cold. I am so tired of the snow! Growing up I never thought I would say that. Anyway, I’m certainly ready for the weekend. We are going to a kick off party for the Olympics tonight and I am pumped! Each couple will represent a country and we have to dress like we are from that country and bring a food dish native to the country as well… Any ideas on who we will be representing? (I may be posting pics on Instagram
So back to the point of this post… I am so honored to co-host this week’s TGIF Blog Hop! Link up your IG and/or your favorite post from this week below, hop around and meet some new friends and celebrate because we made it to Friday!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Welcome to the TGIF Hop!
Welcome back! 

Celebrate with us getting through the week by
 linking your blog and/ or your instagram below. 
This is a no rule blog hop, link up any post. Remember,
visiting other links is what makes a successful blog hop.
This hop runs from every week, from Friday morning to Tuesday morning.

*You do not need an Instagram account to link up.
*Please be kind enough to follow your hosts and cohost GFC, Bloglovin or some form of social media. Comment to let them know so we can follow you back. 

 Would you like to be the next co-host and receive a spotlight?

Meet your hostess:
Complete Bliss Blog


     Meet The Co Host   

Hi! I’m Charlen.

 I blog over at From Bisons to Buckeyes and Beyond.
I started blogging as a way for friends and family to keep up with me and my husband after we moved 500+ miles away from everyone and everything we knew! 
Now it has turned into so much more: an outlet, a hobby, and a wonderful community!
 I blog about the day to day joys and struggles of my very blessed life!

Tweet about this HOP by clicking “tweet” below!!

Tweet: I just linked up at the TGIF Blog and Instagram Hop! Come join me! with Hosts @desireephillips and @kaitlynmarie003

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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