Let’s Have a Coffee Date

Let’s Have a Coffee Date

So I’ve seen this coffee date post going around blog land and I thought I would jump on the wagon. So, will you join me for coffee? You know you want to!

If we were having coffee… I’d probably talk way too much about how excited I am to go to Harding University this weekend for Spring Sing! You would get tired of me talking about it long before I became aware of how much I was talking about it.

If we were having coffee… I’d complain about how, before today, I would have told you how glad I am that it is finally spring here in Ohio. This winter was so terrible and I never want to live it again, and yet here we are on April 15th with snow falling from the sky. You’d probably agree because this winter was terrible everywhere and we would have a conversation dreaming of all the things we will do outside once it starts to stay warm consistently and complain about how we thought we were at that point already.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask about your plans for Summer and tell you that we don’t have anything big planned because Pearson will be getting ready for his Candidacy exam. But that’s okay because after he is done, we are gonna celebrate with something big!

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I feel like I am in a rut just doing the same things week after week. I’d add that I think my trip to Harding will help that. Whoops. There I go talking about that trip again. But you’d understand and agree because being cooped all winter has us all feeling like that.

If we were having coffee… We’d talk about our dogs or children and laugh at everything they do these days. We’d promise to get them together some time and maybe actually make plans and write them down in our planners.

If we were having coffee… We’d probably discuss the HIMYM finale. Because everybody’s seen it, right? We’d discuss the ending, whether we liked it or not because everybody seems to be strongly for or against it. We’d both argue our points, whether we agreed with each other or not. And we’d probably end up laughing at the fact that we care so much about a TV show.

And lastly, if we were having coffee… I’d tell you how thankful I am that you are a loyal reader of my blog and that, more importantly, you are a great friend!

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~What is your favorite go-to meal to cook and eat? hmm. I’m really trying to improve on my cooking skills however, my baking skills rock! I’d have to say right now my favorite go to dinner meal is Meat loaf with a side of mac & cheese and a veggie. I’ll be posting that recipe on my blog sometime soon so stay tuned. 🙂
~What is one thing at the top of the bucket list? GOING TO PARIS!! And all of Europe really. It’s my dream to drink coffee at a Paris Coffee shop and watch the Eiffel Tower and then go to England to have some English tea.. It’s my dream and I will see it happen while I’m still young 🙂
~What are 3 things you cannot live without in your life? He completes me in all areas. Without Him I’m a mess but with Him I’m a art of perfection in His Image. He is my reflection and my Beloved. I can’t do anything without Him. And my two loves Leon and Evie. They bring joy to me every single day.

Go say hi to Heather. She’s sure to encourage you as she always does me. While you’re there, be sure to check out these awesome posts while you’re there!
~Dealing with Mommy Guilt
~The Most Important Work
~To The Ones Who Married Young

P.S. it was totally NOT planned to spotlight “Like a Morning Cup of COFFEE” on my Coffee Date post. It just happened like that. 🙂

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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