My Weekend in Numbers

My Weekend in Numbers

So I definitely completely stole this idea from Simply Clark but I LOVED the idea of recapping my weekend with numbers. I haven’t done a recap of my weekend on here in a long time because I usually think there isn’t much worth sharing, but this weekend was pretty great. AND I really wanted to do this number thing. Anyway, I bet you’re wondering what all those numbers mean, so without further adieu, my weekend:
  • 1: the number of new Chromebooks I bought. I love my Acer Chromebook. I have been looking at different chromebooks for a while and I finally decided on one so we went to Best Buy on Saturday and brought that baby home!
  • 4: the number of books purchased or rented (only one was rented). I have a problem. I am addicted to buying books. I’m addicted to reading them too, but that is not such a problem. This weekend, like usual, I went into Half Price Book Store intending to come out empty handed. But I didn’t.
  • 9: the number of chapters I read on Sunday. I finished the Sea of Monsters and started Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker.
  • 55: the number if minutes I worked out. I am doing the Blogilates April workout calendar which is about an hour every day. Friday was rest day and I skipped Sunday. Oops.
  • 2.5: the number of hours spent at Yabos Tacos with friends after church Sunday Night. It was a night spent with good food, great friends, and fantastic conversation.
  • 3: the number of times I went back to the salad bar at Ruby Tuesdays on Friday. Seriously, that ‘garden bar’ has to be from the garden of Eden itself!
  • 136: the number of minutes spent watching the new Captain America movie. It was so good! Much better than the first!
  • 6: the number if items we bought at Target when we were ‘just killing time’ before our movie started and ‘didn’t need to buy anything’. Again, oops.
  • 18: the number of HIMYM episodes watched. We finished season 8. Bring on the last season! 🙁
Even though we didn’t do anything extremely exciting like go on a weekend excursion, it was a fantastic weekend. It was pretty productive, relaxing, and fun all in one!
How was your weekend?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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