Letters to the World {May 2014}


Letters to the World {May 2014}

Dear Once Upon a Time,
I LOVED your ending. I thought it was cleaver and well played. You got everyone excited for next season. Now we have to wait all Summer, but I don’t think you will be losing ANY viewers in the Fall. However, you caused my husband and I to argue… Yes we argued over a TV show… We’re cool like that.

Dear Apartment Complex,
Your grass grows really fast. I am sorry that it is up to my knees just a week after you mowed, but that just means you need to mow more often. Please. I have to walk my dog in that.

Dear Husband,*
I am so sorry that I had to go out of town on the week that you have to do the written part of your Candidacy Exam. I am sure you are doing great but I wish I could be there to support you, but I am doing my best from afar. Just know you’re number one cheerleader is cheering loud from Georgia!

Dear Meryl Davis (Olympic ice-dancer gold medalist & most recent DWTS champion),
Congratulations! You certainly deserve that Mirror Ball. I watched this season so much more than any other season because I am a huge Candace Cameron fan. But I am so glad I got to watch you and Maks win. I admire your determination to be the best at everything you do. I really enjoyed watching your amazing dancing and your relationship with Maks. Congrats again! It was well deserved.

Dear Coworkers,*
Please excuse me this week. I am not used to being around people all day. If I’ve been awkward or seemed like I was avoiding you, I don’t mean it. Also, I’m not used to waking up so early to get ready and commute to work. That combined with staying up late every night talking with my mom and other friends here, makes for a sleepy Charlene during the day.

Dear Spring,
Thank you for finally showing your face. Now if you could just stay until it’s time to change seasons again. Quit hiding. Last weekend, the temperature got down to the 30s and 40s. That’s not OK in the middle of May! P.S. I know I talk about this a lot, but it’s ridiculous!

Dear Blogland,
Thank you for being so wonderful! I love all the wonderful people I’ve met and become friends with through you, I love learning tips, tricks, and life lessons from other bloggers. And I love sharing my own heart with you. I only wish I discovered you sooner!

*SIDE NOTE: If you don’t know, I usually work at home but this is my week in the office.

What would you write in an open letter to the world?
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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