Obscure Road Trip Essentials

Obscure Road Trip Essentials

Well ladies and gents, the sun is coming out and the weather is warming up and school is wrapping up (for some people). That means the road is calling my name. As I mentioned in my Spring Sing recap post, I really don’t mind driving long distances. But I have to have my road trip essentials, and some of them are a little obscure. I drive long distances so often that I think I’ve got it down. So here is a list of my essential items. Maybe I’ve included a couple that you might not think of.

  • Sunglasses: I seriously cannot drive without sunglasses. I would really rather not ever be outside when it’s sunny without them, but especially driving.
  • Coffee: I have to have my coffee to stay awake (maybe this one is a little obvious). I always make coffee at home and take it to go when I leave because that is one less cup to have to pay for on the road.
  • Lots of water: It’s important to stay hydrated. I really try my hardest to drink the 8 recommended glasses per day so I try to do that when I am traveling too. Yeah you probably have to take more potty breaks this way, but it’s good to get out and stretch you legs anyway.
  • Snacks: I always have to have some munchies. Chex mix is always my go-to.
  • CDs: Of course the obvious, music. A couple years ago, when Pearson and I went to my grandma’s in Arkansas for Thanksgiving, we made a bunch of CDs to listen to. We haven’t made specific playlists since then, but we have our favorites.
  • Books: If I’m not driving the whole time, I have to have a book. Sometimes I feel bad about reading instead of playing road trip games with the driver 🙂 but sometimes I just need some quiet ‘me’ time.
  • Lip Balm: I have to apply chapstick every few hours. I can’t stand for my lips to be dry or chapped at all. So I have to have some with me all the time on a road trip.
  • Dramamine: I get car sick really bad so if I’m not gonna be driving, I have to have dramamine. Even if I don’t plan on reading or anything, I still need it.
  • Napkins: Everytime I go through a drive through, I save the extra napkins and put them in the glove compartment in case I ever need them for something on a road trip. You never know.
  • Pillow: This is a given.
  • Pain Killers: I get headaches really bad so I actually have two types of painkillers in my purse at all times; Ibuprofen and Excedrin.
  • Blanket: Again, if I’m not driving, I like to have a blanket because I get so much colder than Pearson. He keeps the air really cold and if he is driving, he needs to be comfortable. So I just keep a blanket in case I need it.
What do you have to have with you on a road trip?
Thanks for reading!

*The Road Trip Essentials Campaign is inspired by Turo (formerly RelayRides), a peer-to-peer sharing car rental service. 
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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