Inspiration of the Month: Canon Callender

Inspiration of the Month: Canon Callender

A few weeks ago, a very good friend of mine passed away unexpectedly. He was only 32. He drowned in a lake while swimming out to meet up with friends. He was and still is an inspiration to me.
Canon was a police officer. He put his life on the line fairly often to insure the safety and welfare of strangers. He served and he served well.

Canon always had a smile on his face. Always! He could seriously take any situation and twist it into a positive thing. He never dwelled on the negative things in life. It wasn’t worth it. He thought everything and everyone had worth and he made sure you knew it.

Canon loved children. He was always chasing kids around the church building and teasing teenagers. He wanted to be a father so bad, but he never got to.

Canon always made sure we were all safe. He was just a big teddy bear, but for some reason, we always felt safer staying in a cabin in the mountains with all our friends if he was there too.

Canon was shy, but he eventually really came out of himself with his friends. He wasn’t ashamed to admit that he loved Disney movies. Even the princesses. And he even started leading songs and prayers in front of the group.

Canon was a follower of Christ. He had a heart of service. He loved taking a trip to NYC to help the church out there and was supposed to go to Nicaragua on a medical mission trip this year. He studied the bible and wouldn’t hesitate to call his brothers and sisters out if they needed it. But he did it in love and understanding.

Canon is certainly an inspiration to me. He was ready to go meet Jesus when he was taken and not everybody can say that. I am so grateful for that and the assurance that I will see him again one day.

Who inspires you this month?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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