Wedding Wednesday – Reception Decor

Wedding Wednesday – Reception Decor

It’s Wednesday again and time for another Wedding Wednesday post! If you’ve missed them, here are all my #WeddingWednesday posts so far…

Really I guess this post should say “Wedding Thursday.” Sorry it’s a day late. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and haven’t wanted or had time to blog. Anyway, Today I wanted to share my reception decorations with you. I LOVED everything about my reception. 

I loved the Christmas lights and tulle hanging from the ceiling. We borrowed some lights from friends and bought some on sale after Christmas. In this picture you can also see some of the center pieces. On some tables I had candelabras and on others I had tall flower arrangements. Around the table I had big diamonds and pictures of me and Pearson. I borrowed the beautiful table cloths from a friend who had gotten married the year before me.

You can sort of see the two different center pieces better below. 
As we left to the getaway car, people blew bubbles and rang bells so we had the bells sitting in a basket. On the inside of the card was a note thinking everyone for coming.
Below is the candy table which I’ve talked about briefly before. There were bags that guests could take and fill up with whatever candy they wanted to eat there or take home. This was probably one of my favorite parts of the whole reception. I thought the table was set up beautifully.
I had an “arch” in the entry way where we all danced into the reception hall. We bought these stars on sale after Christmas as well. Yes they are Christmas ornaments. I think they just add a little flare.
Below is a table full of pictures of us for people to look at and they could write notes to us on paper that we put in a photo album later.
The next few pictures show how some of the food was set up. Since I bought my own arch for our ceremony, I used the one that the church usually rents out for my cake table. I thought everything was put on display so beautifully and I scarcely had anything to do with it.
I absolutely loved everything about it. It was better than I ever dreamed. The sad thing is, I didn’t even hardly see any of it during the reception. I had to get my pictures back to see just how wonderful everything was.
My Advice: As I’ve said before, let people help you. I had an idea of what I wanted in my mind and I told them, but they took that and ran with it. I had people helping that are so much more talented at this stuff than I am and it showed. Also, borrow as much as possible. If you’re like me, you have a lot of friends getting married around the same time as you, share the goods!
Were you happy with the way your reception turned out? Did you do it all yourself or did you have help?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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