5 Books That Will Strengthen Your Marriage + a giveaway

5 Books That Will Strengthen Your Marriage + a giveaway

Marriage is tough. We’ve only been married 2 years and we really haven’t had any major struggles, but it is still something we have to work on every day. Getting married is one of the most important decisions of your life because it affects your whole life. Something that has so much influence one everything you do should be a top priority, right? I know I can always work on something to do with my marriage. So I’ve compiled a list of books that have helped us work on our marriage. Without further adieu…


One // The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Overview: Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? He sends you flowers when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t your love – it’s your love language! In this international best seller, Dr. Gary Chapman reveals how different people express love in different ways. In fact, there are five specific languages of love: Quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. What speaks volumes to you may be meaningless to your spouse. But here, at last, is the key to understanding each other’s unique needs. Apply the right principles, learn the right language, and soon you’ll know the profound satisfaction and joy of being able to express your love – and feeling truly loved in return. -BarnesAndNoble.com

I read this book this winter with the “Meaningful Marriage Book Study” blogger group. I tell you, this book definitely changed my views on a lot of things having to do with marriage! Did you know if your spouse’s primary love language is quality time and conversation, then his or her love tank will never really be full until you share your heart! It’s not just being a good listener but also opening up and sharing yourself! This is just one big thing I was surprised to hear from this book. Here is a [really long] post I wrote just after finishing the book if you’re interested.

Two // The Love Dare by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick

Overview: Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.
The Love Dare, as featured in the popular new movie Fireproof (from the makers of Facing the Giants), is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage. Take the dare! -BarnesAndNoble.com

I also ready this book with the Meaningful Marriage group. I’ll be honest, I didn’t completely finish the book and I didn’t do all the challenges, but it is a great resource to pick some “dares” that work for you or to read and get yourself in the right mindset for serving your spouse. The book focuses on the concept that love is a choice and if you act on that choice, the feeling should come back. If you have seen the movie Fireproof then you know how transforming this book can be to a suffering marriage, but it can certainly help marriages at any stage!

Three // His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr.

Overview: What will it take to make your marriage sizzle?
Time after time, His Needs, Her Needs has topped the charts as the best marriage book available. More than any other, this book helps husbands and wives give each other what they need most in marriage.The millions of couples who have read His Needs, Her Needs have learned to keep the romance alive, and they are recommending it to others. Join those who have seen spectacular changes in their marriages by following Dr. Harley’s tried and proven counsel. You will discover that an outstanding marriage can be more than a dream–it can be your reality. -BarnesAndNoble.com

Pearson and I are currently reading this book with the young marrieds group at church. So far, I have learned a few things that surprised me. For example, in the chapter about men needing a recreational companion, I learned that when Pearson says he would rather take me to a football game than to go with his guy friends, he actually means it! He’s not just trying to be a good husband.

Four // For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn

Overview: Discover the Truth He Wants You to KnowThe man in your life carries important feelings so deep inside he barely knows they’re there, much less how to talk about them. Yet your man genuinely wants you to “get” him—to understand his inner life, to know his fears and needs, to hear what he wishes he could tell you. In her landmark bestseller, For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn reveals what every woman—single or married—needs to know. Based on rigorous research with thousands of men, Shaunti delivers one eye-opening revelation after another… -BarnesAndNoble.com

I read this book in college and oh my goodness did it open my eyes to some surprising things. And it cleared up a lot about the weird things that boys say and do. I really want to read it again now. I want a refresher and I also think I will take it in a little differently having matured a little and having had deeper relationship with a boy [in marriage] for a couple years.

Five // For Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn and Jeff Feldhahn

Overview: Finally, you can understand her!
If you’re like most men, you’ve burned up lots of energy trying to figure out what a woman wants, what makes her tick, how to make her happy. The good news: success is simpler than you ever thought.  In their groundbreaking classic, For Men Only, Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn reveal the eye-opening truths and simple acts that will radically improve your relationship with the woman you love… -BarnesAndNoble.com

This book is sort of a companion to For Women Only in that it was written by the same couple and it’s the same concept just geared the opposite way. I haven’t actually read this one myself but Pearson did while I read For Women Only but we shared a lot with each other and I was very surprised at what needed to be explained to men about our more superior gender. (just kidding, just kidding).

So do any of these look or sound like something you and your spouse could benefit from? Remember, even if you aren’t “having trouble” in your marriage, you can always work on something. And today’s your lucky day! Why? Because the ladies below and I have all teamed up to give one of YOU a $50 Barnes & Noble Electronic Gift Card, on us! And if you’re not into marriage books or books in general (but I know you are!) remember that the possibilities are endless at Barnes & Noble – you can purchase movies, music, calendars, journals, planners, puzzles, gifts, and the list goes on! So don’t hesitate to join the giveaway below!

A Prioritized Marriage// A Little Too Jolley // The Best F Words // From Bisons to Buckeyes
 He & I // From L&P to English Tea

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway will run from 12:00 am EST on August 19 until 11:59 pm EST on August 26. All entries will be verified so please be honest! Gift card will be delivered electronically. And best of luck!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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