Our Christmas Decorations!

Our Christmas Decorations!

What better blog post to read on Christmas Eve Eve than a Christmas decor home tour? Am I right? I’m pretty proud of our decorations this year so I just had to show them off!
My DIY Santa Wreath. Tutorial here!
The house in a forest scene that my Nana and Pappy made. I love it!
I actually have a real (almost dead) poinsettia for my center piece this year! I also embellished with candy canes, ornaments, and vases containing Christmas foliage and tea lights 
I wrapped some pictures this year. I love how it’s a simple way to make the room a little more festive.
We still have our Santa hats of all different sorts. We’re up to 13 this year!
Here is the stuffed snowman my mom gave me for Christmas last year. He’s made of an old quilt!
A bookshelf-turned-mantle complete with a nutcracker, battery powered lights and other fun things!
Our Tree!
Full view of the living room! Can you see a few more Santa hats? What about a fur child on the couch?
Here’s where we keep our stockings… And a couple hats.
The holding mistletoe that my grandparents made.
A Santa Claus rolling pin that my grandma painted.
And last but not least, our fridge is a snowman!

Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying some time with family this week!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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