Personal Goals for December

Personal Goals for December

It’s time to share my personal goals for this month. On Monday, for my relationship goals, I said I didn’t want to be so hard on myself this month. The same is true in regard to personal goals. I kept a few from last month, but I trimmed them down. Wish me luck!

Let’s see how well I did last month


  1. Go to God in prayer when I wake up and when I lie down and about everything in between. I’m gonna keep a prayer journal. Meh. I didn’t keep up with a prayer journal every day, but I did pray a lot more.
  2. Spend some daily time in the Word myself as well as what I do with Pearson as I mentioned onMonday. SUCCESS! I got through a couple of the She Reads Truth studies and loved them!
  1. Drink 60+ ounces of water every day. SUCCESS
  2. Record everything I consume on My Fitness Pal and stay under my daily calorie goal. Mostly success. I went over a few times.
  3. Be active in some way every day incorporating both cardio and strength training (running/elliptical/biking and blogilates). Even when I’m out of town! (We’re going to the mountains this weekend, then the next week I’ll be in Atlanta for work, then we’ll be spending Thanksgiving at my Grandma’s in Arkansas). Meh. I was just so busy with EVERYTHING, especially work, that I didn’t have time a lot of days. But I was conscious of what I ate and I tried to be active as much as possible.
  4. No soda! Period. Mostly Success. I slipped up a couple times.
  5. Be in bed by 10:30 every night with exceptions only for special occasions like holidays or vacation. FAIL…..
  6. Get up early enough to actually eat a decent breakfast before starting work. BIG FAIL
    1. Finish Christmas gift shopping. I want to have it all finished by Thanksgiving and we’re actually almost there! SUCCESS.
    2. Don’t buy another thing for myself all month. I spent way too much at Harding this weekend and I have way too much stuff anyway. SUCCESS! Black Friday doesn’t count, right? And even then I only bought one t-shirt and a couple pairs of socks!
    3. Only eat out on weekends. Mostly Success. We did pretty well on this one considering how busy this month was.
      Free Time:
      1. Put technology away at night. Mostly Success.
      2. Spend less time on Netflix and more time reading. Fail. Well, I didn’t spend a lot of time doing either, really.
      3. Going along with the above… Finish Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Fail. I didn’t finish either of these.
        1. Get most of my blogging done over the weekends or else whenever Pearson is doing homework. Meh. I did pretty well on this.
        2. Be organized with my planner and have posts planned a week out in advanced. Success. They weren’t always completely ready and scheduled that far in advance, but they were always planned that far.
        3. Spend some time (like 30 minutes) right after I get off of work every day reading and commenting on other blog posts. FAIL. I am still so behind.
          Now for this month…

          1. Do the entire She Reads Truth Advent study.
          2. Write in my prayer journal every day.
          1. Drink 60+ ounces of water every day.
          2. Record everything I consume on My Fitness Pal and stay under my daily calorie goal.
          3. Be active as much as possible. Even if that’s just going for a walk or shopping. I always want to just be lazy and stay on my couch at this time of year.
          4. No Soda! Period.
          Free Time:
          1. Spend time at least 3 days per week doing something Christmas-y. That could include something as simple as watching a Christmas movie, wrapping presents, or enjoying a hot chocolate in front of the tree.
          1. Schedule all my posts during our 2 week trip ahead of time so I don’t have to do ANY blogging on vacation.
          What are your personal goals this month?
          Thanks for reading!

          Mitchael Journey

          Linking up with Andrea at Mitchael Journey.

          I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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