Happy First Day of Spring!!!

Happy First Day of Spring!!!

Happy Friday and Happy First Day Of Spring! In my opinion, not much could make this day any better! Lets get on with the Friday Five, shall we?

ONE || The First Day of Spring
I would say you have no idea how ready I am for spring but I bet you have some idea. But seriously, I think if I had to endure one more day of snow or negative degrees, I might die. So I am so glad today is the first day of spring that I’m giving you a special add sale! Click here and take 50% off any sponsor option using promo code “HappySpring” but hurry! This offer is only good for the first 5 people to use that code!

TWO || Running outside
I ran outside for the first time since the fall this week. I ran on Monday and Thursday and it was heavenly! So much better than going to the stupid gym.

THREE || Hanging out in Pearson’s lab
Last night, Pearson was going to have to stay really late to get an experiment done so he asked if I wanted to come get dinner with him and then hang out and watch Netflix while we were waiting for stuff on the experiment to happen. It was so much fun!

FOUR || Skinfix Hand Repair Cream
I got this Skinfix Hand Repair Cream in my #XOVoxBox from Influenster and it’s absolutely amazing. One of the best hand creams I’ve ever tried. And it came at the perfect time. My hands were dying of dryness. Thanks Influenster and Skinfix Inc.!

FIVE || This video of a talking dog who’s owner got him a cat!
A while ago, my dad found this video of an owner teasing a talking dog about bacon and we all loved it so much! As a family we talk about the video often and watch it over and over. Well this week, I found the above one made by the same people and it’s awesome!

How has your week been?
Thanks for reading.
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG  Bright on a Budget

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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