Letters to the World {August 2015}


Letters to the World {August 2015}

It’s time for some letters to the world again!

Dear Pip,
WHY are you acting up so much lately? You dig every time we put you in your crate. You’ve torn up our carpet and our bath mat and everything we’ve tried putting under your crate. Do you think I’m going to go out of town again? Not for another month! Can you hear our neighbors’ dogs while we’re gone? Is that it? What’s going on?

Dear Ashley Madison Users,
I just don’t understand. Why on earth would you sign up for a website with the intention to have an affair? Why do you feel the need to cheat? If you’re not happy in your marriage, work through it. Or get a divorce. Of course people have many reasons for not getting a divorce with religion being one, but if that’s not you… (and I highly doubt all 38 million of you don’t want a divorce for religious reasons) If that’s not you, why on earth would you purposely cheat when you can just leave if you’re not happy. It makes no sense!!! Getting too close to a co-worker and spending too much time alone with them and eventually hooking up, while completely terrible in itself, is a little more understandable to me than signing up and paying for an account on a website all with the intent to cheat. It’s quite literally unbelievable. And you know what else is bad, people are concerned only with getting caught. There are now websites out there to see if your info was leaked. Not to see if your spouse’s info was leaked, but to put in your confirmed email address to make sure your info wasn’t leaked. And now Ashley Madison is facing a law suit for not being secure enough. Are you kidding me? This world has it’s priorities in the wrong place.

On a brighter note…
Dear Fall,
You’re almost here! I can’t wait to wake up on Saturday to the cool crisp air and settle down on the couch with a blanket next to the open window and cheer on the Dawgs. So many memories. I can’t wait to wear boots and scarves and sweaters. I can’t wait to crunch fallen leaves under my feet. I can’t wait to taste and smell Pumpkin Spice everything. I can’t wait to go apple picking and dress up for Halloween. Yes I am the basic white girl who loves Fall and I am not ashamed!

Dear Duck Dynasty,
I watched John Luke’s wedding the other day and absolutely cried. So beautiful and emotional. I love how you can do that. I don’t personally know any of you but I feel like I do. What is it about you guys that does that to me? Maybe I’m just weird.

Dear The Fault in our Stars,
Thank you (not) for being so addicting. I knew how you ended yet I read you anyway and couldn’t put you down. I felt some of you was a little cheesy but hey, you’re a teen fiction book. Over all, you were good and addicting and emotional. I’m still not completely sure how I feel about you.

What would you write in an open letter to the world today?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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