8 Healthy and Yummy Snacks to Keep on Hand

8 Healthy and Yummy Snacks to Keep on Hand

Eating healthy is hard.

As most of you know, I work from home every day. This could be either a blessing or a curse in terms of eating healthy. So… I make it a blessing.

First of all, I don’t eat breakfast until I’m hungry. Which is usually about 9:30. This certainly beats eating something quick and unhealthy on my commute at about 7:30 like I do on my weeks in the office. Also, since I’m not already out of the apartment and I don’t have coworkers pressuring me, I never eat out for lunch. This typically means I eat healthier options at home than I would at a restaurant or going through a drive through. And lastly, I have the ability to eat smaller meals, or snacks, throughout the day. Which is healthier than one large meal.

But the trick to really making this work is that you have to keep healthy foods in the house as opposed to unhealthy foods. Since I’m home alone all day, I have constant access to my kitchen. If I have said kitchen stocked with cookies and potato chips, that’s bad news! So I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite healthy snacks I like to keep in the apartment.

Garden of Eatin: Cantina Style Corn Tortilla Chips with Lime
These are delicious! I found them in the “organic” chip aisle in Kroger. I absolutely love the lime flavor, and I like to eat them with a perfectly ripe avocado. I’ll cut the avocado in half and make cuts all through one half. Then I use the chips to dig the meat out of the shell. This brings me to my next “snack”…

As I just said, I love eating avocado on chips but I also like it with crackers or on toast. Basically I just love avocado. But I know that some people don’t. Maybe try it with some salt and pepper or fry an egg and put it on top of toast spread with avocado.

Ezekiel Bread
When I make toast with avocado, I use Ezekiel Bread. You can find it in the frozen organic section at Kroger as well as places like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. Ezekiel Bread is sprouted whole grain bread. I usually take one or two slices out of the freezer and toast them. Then I either spread some avocado on and enjoy or spread some organic peanut butter and either top with a banana or a drizzle of honey, which brings me to my next “snack”…

Natural Peanut Butter
You know peanut butter is actually good for you? But not the kind with tons of sugar added. I get this Earth Balance peanut butter in the organic section at Kroger and I love it! I put it on Ezekiel bread toast, or I eat it with wheat crackers, and sometimes I even make banana pops (recipe in next section)!

Bananas are always good to have on hand! I like to eat one by itself or I’ll cut one up and put it on peanut butter toast. Or… I’l make banana pops: peel a banana and cut it in half, stick each half on a popsicle stick (or chopstick), spread peanut butter all over the banana and roll it in granola. Delicious!

SkinnyGirl Popcorn
Sometimes I really need something salty. That’s where SkinnyGirl Popcorn comes in. It’s just popcorn. No butter, no extra salt. Just popcorn in a perfectly portioned bag. Lime is my favorite!

Graze is a subscription box I promise you’ll love. It has made my life easier! You can choose which box you want (how many snacks per box, how healthy, etc.), how often you want it delivered, and what snacks you want to try. I do the low-calorie, 4 snack box ($6.49) every 2 weeks and I love it! This would be great to have delivered to work as well. Then you will always have a perfectly portioned snack right there waiting on you. If you use this link to sign up, you’ll get your first and fifth boxes free! There are no strings attached, you can stop any time. You can snooze a box. You can “go on vacation” for a while. It’s really a great deal!

Skinny Cow
And last but not least, for when you just have to have something sweet, get Skinny Cow! I love these caramel filled chocolates. They are delicious and each package of 3 chocolates only has 130 calories. Just make sure to only eat one package at a time. Don’t eat the whole box in one day like I have before. Everything in moderation!

So there you have it. My 8 healthy and yummy snacks to keep on hand. Do you eat any of these? Or are there any healthy snacks you love that aren’t on my list?
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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