Why I Blog

Why I Blog

Why I Blog

The other day, Jessa from thejessaolson.com wrote a post about her favorite bloggers. She included me in the list and I couldn’t have been more honored! She said that I am a prayer warrior for her and someone she admires very much. Talk about making my day!

A couple months ago, I wrote a post listing 5 meaningful verses to help with trusting God. When I shared it on Instagram, one of my friends from college commented on that Instagram post saying “That was just what I needed to read right now. Thank you!”

When I wrote that it’s perfectly okay to need your spouse, Ngina from Intentional Today said that she’d never thought about this concept in relation to God’s instruction for us to hold fast to each other. She said she loved my post and would be sharing.

When I asked my readers if they treat their religion like a religion, Jessa (the same Jessa from earlier in this post) said “There is so much truth in this post I feel so convicted. I wish I treated my religion more like a religion and not other things.” On that same post, Jessy from The Artsy Cajun said that we all need reminders like this and Amberly said it was a good question and that she may have some changes to make.

Last week, Lexi from A Blissful Haven nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award and I was completely honored once again! (More on the award below).

Why am I telling you all these things? Well, it’s not to brag on myself. I just wanted to say that this is why I blog. When my blog touches someone, I know I’ve done my job and I feel very fulfilled. And that’s what blogging is supposed to be about anyway, right?

I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed in the blogging area of my life lately. If we’re being honest, that overwhelmed feeling is bleeding over into other areas of my life as well. I’ve recently attended some free webinars and e-courses about blogging. And I just bought my first paid blogging e-course from Helene. I’ve been learning a lot of technical stuff about monetizing and getting more followers and it’s been great!

However, when Jessa included me in her list of favorite bloggers, I started thinking, again, about why I love to blog. And it’s not for money and fame. Yes, those things would be (and are) nice, but I do it to help others. I do it because I’m passionate about the things I blog about. I do it to share what little wisdom I may have.

Versatile Blogger Award

Now, as if this post wasn’t long enough already, I thought I’d participate in the Versatile Blogger Award that Lexi so lovingly bestowed upon me! This award is different from some of the others I’ve seen floating around blog-land. Instead of answering questions from your nominator, you simply list 7 facts about yourself. So here goes (I’ll keep them short)…

ONE: Halloween is my favorite holiday!

TWO: I am totally a dog person. If I’ve had a bad day, just bring me a puppy and my attitude will completely turn around!

THREE: I graduated from Harding University. That’s not really a fun or random fact, but this is… I knew I wanted to go there since I was old enough to know what college is. Also, I was a 3rd generation Harding student. My grandparents and parents graduated from Harding.

FOUR: I LOVE scary movies.

FIVE: People used to think my brother and I were twins (the probably still would if they saw us together). I’m 3 years older. I hated this very much in the old days.

SIX: I’ve recently developed a new love for makeup.

SEVEN: While some kids have imaginary friends that they play with, I had an imaginary baby growing up. Her name was Elizabeth and I would pretend to carry her, feed her, put her to bed… the whole 9 yards!

Now I’m supposed to nominate 15 people, but I think I’ll just nominate all the people I mentioned in this post. What can I say? I’m a rule breaker. So here are my nominees…

Why do you blog? Do you ever find yourself forgetting the reasons you love to blog?
Share a random fact about yourself!
Thanks for reading!

P.S. Sorry if those random facts aren’t that interesting, or if they’re not new information. I’ve done several “facts about myself” type post before so I was trying not to do too many repeats.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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