5 On Friday – Star Wars & an Expired License

5 On Friday – Star Wars & an Expired License

Happy Friday, lovely readers! You guys, I have had a fantastic week! Wanna hear about it? (Also, sorry this post is up so late today. I spent last night watching Gilmore Girls instead of writing. Actually, I’m not sorry).

ONE || First of all, over the weekend, Pearson and I watched all 6 Star Wars movies! It was so much fun. I haven’t watched them in forever. We watched The Force Awakens THREE TIMES in the theater in December so it was great to watch the others. Anyway, we watched them in “machete order”… four, five, one, two, three, six. You start with the first ones created. Then after you get the “big reveal” you go back and watch the prequels to see why Anakin turned in to Vader. Then you get the big finish with episode six.

TWO || On Sunday, I found out my drivers license expired on my birthday. Oops. The BMV stayed open late on Tuesday so I went and got my license renewed. I’m driving legally again. Also, I lied about my weight… The guy asked me if it changed and I said no. But I plan on being that weight again soon so it’s fine, right? Also, I really like my picture this time!

THREE || I completed the 100 Things Challenge this week. In fact, I got rid of 150 things! It started when I created a capsule wardrobe for winter, but it turned into so much more. I actually have some bare cabinets now. I discovered we still had some stuff in our medicine cabinet that expired in 2012!!

FOUR || I took the clothes and accessories that I purged from my closet to Goodwill last night. It felt good to get them out of the house. Also, I did a little shopping while I was there. Have you ever examined their kitchen section? They actually have a pretty awesome selection of dishes! I got a couple items I’m really excited about!

Y’all it’s been so cold lately (even in out apartment) that I’ve been wearing gloves inside. How crazy us that? Maybe we should get our heater checked out… #MaugeriWinter2K16 #ItsABeautifulWinter
A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@charlenemaugeri) on

FIVE || It has been so cold here lately! I spend my days wrapped in blankets sitting at my computer. And when I have to take Pip for a walk, I bundle up so much: wool socks, furry snow boots, fleece-lined leggings, jogger sweatpants, looser water-proof sweatpants, a tank top, a long sleeve t-shirt, a sweatshirt, my wool coat, a beanie, a scarf wrapped around my nose and mouth, the hood from my coat, and gloves. (I’ll add a picture to this post when I can get a good one). Can I just say though, that I am SO GLAD we didn’t get the blizzard that came through a lot of the country last night and today! Amen!

So that was my week. Pretty exciting for me. How has your week been?
Thanks for reading!
THE GOOD LIFE BLOG   Bright on a Budget

Linking up with 5 On Friday, Oh Hey Friday, and High Five for Friday.

P.S. The Thankful Thursday Party will be back next week! Write about what you’re thankful for and link up on Thursday the 28th for the first Thankful Thursday of 2016!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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