6 Ways to Make the Most of your Time with Your Spouse

6 Ways to Make the Most of your Time with Your Spouse

If you’ve been reading my blog lately you probably know a few things: 1. I’m participating in the #LoveBlog challenge, though not every day. 2) I love The 5 Love Languages. and 3) Quality Time has always been my number one love language. Every. Time. I’ve taken the test four times, and Quality Time was number one every time. No wonder I talk about it so much! (like here, here, and here just to name a few)

In addition to those posts I just listed, I wrote 5 reasons you struggle to find time for your spouse and why it’s important to find time for your spouse last month after re-branding my blog and trying to get my focus back on marriage. Since today’s #LoveBlog prompt is Quality Time, I thought I’d continue that series and bring you…

6 Ways to Make the Most of your Time with Your Spouse

  • ONE || Have questions to ask

As I mentioned when I gave you things to talk about on date night, it’s always fun to have a list of “get to know you” type questions on hand. Hopefully, you know you’re spouse pretty well, but there’s always more to  learn. Here are 20 good questions
If you don’t want to use a list or if you don’t have one handy, come up with a question (or a few) you ask every time you hang out. One example would be “How are you feeling emotionally, physically, mentally, and physically today?” Take the question seriously and try to connect with your spouse on a deep level.

  • TWO || Invest in a babysitter

Yes, spending quality time with the whole family is very important, but sometimes your relationship with your spouse needs a little extra attention and you just won’t get that with kids in the other room. So make your husband or wife happy by booking a baby sitter for the evening just so you can have some one on one time and make the most of it!

  • THREE || Put away technology

If you really want to make the most of your time with your spouse. You need to give him or her (or whatever activity you’re doing) your undivided attention. It’s easier said than done. Trust me, I know! But it’s oh so worth it. Get rid of temptation. Leave your phone at home or in the car. Leave it in the other room if you’re at home. And do the same with your laptop, game console or whatever tempts you.

  • FOUR || Multitask 

This is one of my favorites. Some people may think it goes against what I just said about giving your spouse your undivided attention, but hear me out. Find a project that needs to get done. Whether that’s simply doing the dishes or laundry or if it’s something bigger like remodeling a room in your home (perhaps a nursery). Do it together!

Quality Time, as defined by Gary Chapman, is not always just quality conversation. You can also do something together. Some couples have hobbies they enjoy together and that’s great. But this way you’re getting stuff done that needs to get done and you’ll be less stressed later.

It can be tricky though. When we’re working on a project like this, a lot can go wrong and we can get frustrated with each other. Just be careful of that and use the time to laugh and enjoy each other’s presence as you accomplish a task together.

  • FIVE || Set aside a specific day or time

Pearson and I would love to spend every Friday night together. Or even Saturday, for that matter. But it’s not always possible because he works crazy amounts of hours. So, typically, our days are Sundays. We go to church and out to lunch together every Sunday and spend as much of the afternoon together as possible. It’s great because we know it’s there every week and if Pearson does have to work on Sunday, he tells me ahead of time. We usually take this time to talk about the week ahead and make sure we know what’s going on in each other’s lives.

  • SIX || Use the time in the car when you’re stuck with each other

One of my favorite ways to spend quality time with Pearson is on long road trips. We live 600+ miles away from all of our family so we go on long road trips pretty often. Our trips usually include games, books, pouring our hearts out, and belting our lungs out. I always feels so close to him afterwards. So next time you’re on a long trip, don’t just turn on the music and zone out or look at your phone the whole time. Engage with each other!

The important thing is that you’re spending time together, doing something you love, and filling each other’s love tanks.

How do you make the most of your quality time?
Thanks for reading!

LoveBlog with Belle Brita
Linking up with #LoveBlog and Wedded Wednesday.

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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