How Social Media Can Both Help & Hurt Your Relationships

How Social Media Can Both Help & Hurt Your Relationships

Today is day sixteen of the #LoveBlog challenge and the prompt is Social Media. To see all the prompts, head over to Brita’s introductory post.

Y’all, social media gets such a bad rap. And yes I know it can be bad and dangerous in many ways, but it can also be so so so good. So today I wanted to talk about some ways social media can both help and hurt your relationships.

How Social Media can both HELP and HURT your relationships.

Ways it can help your relationship:

  • It’s a great platform to talk up your spouse. one of my favorite things to do on social media is talk about how great Pearson is. I know I’m probably biased, but I think he’s the greatest guy on Earth. And I like telling other people that. I try to keep it to a minimum. With that said, be warned: tomorrow is Pearson’s birthday!
  • It helps you keep in touch when you are apart. Especially if we include texting and IM apps. When I travel for work or when Pearson stays in the lab all day every day, we are constantly in touch thanks to social media. Not to say this takes the place of face to face conversations. And while we’re apart we always make sure to talk on the phone and video chat. But it’s just nice to be able to tell him something as soon as I think of it. Or as soon as it happens. And it’s nice to randomly text him little love notes.
  • It’a a great source of inspiration. I love finding ideas for everything in life through social media. One of my favorites is date ideas! I like to see where other couples go on dates and gifts they give each other. I like seeing engagement announcements and pregnancies. I love celebrating with other couples and anticipating a time when we’ll be sharing that sort of stuff.
  • You can update your relationship status. Facebook relationship status’ are the modern day wedding ring. People see that and know you’re not available. I’m by no means saying you shouldn’t tell them anyway, but if they see your status, it can make things a little easier.
  • You can share fun moments. I don’t know about you, but I like sharing fun moments I have with Pearson. For the same reason I like getting inspiration from other people, I like to encourage others with our date ideas. I like to spread the love, you know? And it’s another way to brag on my man.

Ways it can hurt your relationship:

  • It can take your attention away from your spouse. This is the obvious problem most people have with any kind of technology. It’s addicting. And we don’t ever want to put it away. Even when we’re hanging out face to face with our loved ones.
  • You can compare your relationship to others. This is another obvious one that people bring up all the time. Comparison and competition is not good when you’re comparing your every day failures to someone else’s social media perfection. It’s just as bad for your relationship as it is for yourself. If you see some fantastic marriage proposal on Facebook does it make you disappointed in your husband for not being as romantic?
  • It can become too focused on immediate gratification and validation. We all want likes and comments, but sometimes we put too much stock in that. On one level, we should be careful of this because our worth comes from God, not from man. But on another level, really our spouse should be the only human who we’re trying to impress, right?
  • Oversharing could become a problem. One of the biggest issues I’ve seen with social media is oversharing. And I’ve probably been guilty of this before. Some things just need to stay private, you know. Don’t share intimate things and don’t air your dirty laundry. Nobody wants to hear it and your spouse will not appreciate you sharing it.
  • It could become a temptation to meet and talk to other possible love interests. This one may seem like a stretch, but all social media outlets have private messaging capabilities. And people meet online all the time. This could be a problem if you start keeping conversations private from your spouse.
So there’s my two cents for today. Yeah social media can be dangerous and can certainly have negative effects on relationships. But it could also be very good for your relationships. You just have to be careful and know how to use it.
Would you add anything to either list?
Thanks for reading!

Linking up with Wedded Wednesday.

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Meet your hosts:

Meet Brita Long: Christian feminist blissfully married to Dan Fleck for almost two years. Lover of Paris, pink sparkles, sensible shoes, manicures, and books. Fueled by hot tea and mimosas.

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Meet Charlene Maugeri: Christian, wife, fur-mom, nerd, blogger and much more! She uses her blog, Enduring All Things, to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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