#LoveBlog Link Up Day One: The 5 Love Languages

#LoveBlog Link Up Day One: The 5 Love Languages

Happy February! You guys, today is the first day of the #LoveBlog Challenge and I am so excited! If you haven’t heard about the #LoveBlog Challenge, head over to Brita’s introductory post to see all the prompts! She’s hosting the challenge every day in February with a different love related prompt every day and I’m hosting nine of those days with her! I couldn’t be more excited!

Today’s prompt is “The 5 Love Languages.” Now as you probably know, I talk about The 5 Love Languages a lot. In fact, several other bloggers and I are giving away a copy of the book. That giveaway is still going on until Friday!

If you don’t know, the author of The 5 Love Languages, Gary Chapman, believes that we all speak love in different ways. Physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and receiving gifts are the five different languages and we each favor one over the others. There’s a quiz you can take to see what your primary language is and your loved ones can better understand how to communicate love with you. Here is another quiz that’s still free, but interactive and up to date.

Pearson and I both took the quiz in 2011, before we were married and I don’t remember our scores except that I valued quality time. Then, for some reason, we decided to take it in January of 2014. And then in January 2015 because we were curious. And then in January of this year, because I knew the #LoveBlog challenge was coming up. I think I may make it a tradition to do every January. Anyway, as you can see below, both of our love languages have changed over the years.

My scores / Pearson’s scores from 2014

My scores / Pearson’s scores from 2015

My scores / Pearson’s scores from 2016

I really encourage you to take the quiz (it’s completely free) if you haven’t lately. It can be very insightful. Also, I highly recommend the book (affiliate link). It opened my eyes to a lot of things I was missing. For example, before reading this book, I didn’t realize that part of “Quality Time & Conversation” was having others open up to you. It was a big deal for us because Quality Time was pretty high on Pearson’s list and this discovery shed some light on why he would get upset with me whenever I didn’t want to tell him what was bothering me.

If you have read the book and taken the quiz. Please write a post and link up with us today! Or if you’ve ever written about the Five Love Languages before, share those posts! Also, each of the five love languages will have their own day in the #LoveBlog challenge so you’ll have plenty opportunities to link up!

Thanks for reading!

Follow me on Instagram as I host the #LoveBlog challenge over there this month!

P.S. Here is a long post I wrote right after I read the book for the first time! Check it out for a full book review and more information about the whole concept.

Meet your hosts:

Meet Brita Long: Christian feminist blissfully married to Dan Fleck for almost two years. Lover of Paris, pink sparkles, sensible shoes, manicures, and books. Fueled by hot tea and mimosas.

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Meet Charlene Maugeri: Christian, wife, fur-mom, nerd, blogger and much more! She uses her blog, Enduring All Things, to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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