Tech Fast Recap and A Giveaway

Tech Fast Recap and A Giveaway

Well guys, if you didn’t notice, I didn’t publish a single blog post last week. I blame the fact that I spent last weekend with my best friend while she graduated with her masters. It wasn’t a relaxing weekend (not that I’m complaining) but rather a very busy one. So it took me a while to come back from that this week. But it’s also because, as much as I hate to admit it, I’m still not out of my funk or rutt or whatever you want to call this. I’m still burnt out.

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter or if you’ve signed up to receive my newsletters, then you know that I planned to take a technology fast this weekend in an attempt to slow down, refocus on what’s important, and get out of my little rut… 
Well, I made it! I decided early on that I would make it an internet and TV fast. I left my calling and texting services on but turned data and wifi off on my phone. I also shut my computers down and didn’t turn the TV on at all.

I think I did pretty well. I reached for my phone several times and realized I didn’t have internet and I’d put it back down. It was weird to get used to at first. Also, you know what’s stupid? You have to have mobile data turned on to send and receive group text messages. I forgot that. I had to turn it on because I went to a friend’s house Saturday night for Girl’s Night and we communicated about it through a group message. Also, my mom wanted me to send her a picture of a dress and photo messages also take data. And then I also turned it on to use the GPS to navigate to said friend’s house because she recently moved. Oh and I should mention that while I was at that friend’s house, we watched star wars so I guess I didn’t go the whole weekend without TV either. But we watched Blue Rays. It technically wasn’t TV or the Internet. lol Also, I was with people. The point of this fast was to keep me from wasting my own time on the internet.

So looking back at that paragraph, maybe I didn’t to so well. But it felt like a success. It was very difficult. Usually, even if I’m spending some time in a book, I’ll pick up my phone and check out the all the social media in between each chapter. This weekend, since I didn’t have that option, I got so into what I was reading! I didn’t want to put it down! It’s been a while since I was that into a book.

I think I’m going to start trying to do this at least one weekend every month. Or at least one Saturday every month. And I’m pretty excited about that!


On another note, Summer is almost here (even if it doesn’t feel like it in Columbus)! I’ve teamed up with some other lovely bloggers to giveaway a gift pack worth $150! You don’t want to miss this opportunity to get your summer started off right! Enter via the rafflecopter below!

Sarah@ Sarah Emily Blogs // Allison@ Life Life Well Blog // Dana@ Pellerini Proclaims // Yesi@ Love Yesi Blog // Kara@ Happy Go Lucky Blog // Jennifer@ Crown Me In Glitter Blog // Kara@ Fit Chick Next Door // Charlene@ Enduring All Things // Libby@ Health, Love and Fire Blog // Rachel@ Small Town and City Lights // Mistle@ Sweet Tea&Hydrangeas // Alexandra@ Always Al // Alexandrā€‹iā€‹a@ Top Knot Style 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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