Monthly Goals for June {2016}

Monthly Goals for June {2016}

Wow. I seriously cannot believe it is June. After this month, we’ll be halfway through 2016! Say what? Where did this year go? I know I say that every year, but seriously. I have no idea where it went. Anyway, I already missed the first of this month, but luckily I’m only a couple days behind. So lets get to those monthly goals, shall we?

Word of the year: (half success)

In case you missed it, my word of the year is Present. Again, I did not write in my journal very much this month. In fact I don’t think I wrote in my journal at all. So I’m getting rid of that goal because I don’t think it’s going to happen. I did, however, dedicate a weekend to go technology free. And I have to say, I was pretty successful. And I enjoyed it so much that I want to try to do one weekend like this every month!

Spiritual: (half success)

I did finish Fervent, but I did not memorize Proverbs 31. I didn’t even try. This was a rough month for me. This month, I’m going to shoot for memorizing Proverbs 31 again. Also, I discovered a new devotional app called First 5. The idea is that the first 5 minutes of your day are spent in devotion. You can set an alarm and wake up directly from the app. I’ve used it for the past couple days and I’m loving it. I’d like to try to use it every week day this month. I might miss a couple days, but I’m going to try!

Physical: (half success)

I did not complete the 21 Day Fix. Well, you could say that I completed my original 3 weeks. But then I took a week or two off and gained everything back. I think the 21 Day Fix was too strict for me. And I got bored with the workouts. So for June, I’m simply setting the goal to be active at least 30 minutes per day. I might run (using the C25K app), use the elliptical, have a swimming or pool running session, do the Blogilates workout for the day, or do one of the 21 Day Fix workouts.

Mental: (almost success)

I still didn’t finish The Fellowship of the Ring. Y’all, it’s bad. I am pretty close though. I’m going to stick to my goal of finishing all three by the end of the month. Wish me luck!

Marriage: (half success)

We successfully went on weekly date nights all month again! It’s amazing how much easier it has been now that Pearson is in on the goal! I am keeping that goal for this month but I’m also going to put one more stipulation on it: We are going to stay within our date night budget. We’ve been struggling with that part of it.

Blog: (almost half success)

My page views were not quite up to where they were in January and February yet again. But they were higher in May than they were in April and March. So that’s good! I’m going to do away with this goal for now because I’m pretty satisfied with my page views from this month and I’m expecting my views to be down in the summer anyway. It’s just sort of an off season for blogging. As for the other goal I had in this section, to get to 1000 twitter followers… I’m currently sitting at 982. So close! And I only started really working toward that in the last week or so. So I’m giving myself a little grace and extending this goal over the weekend. Hopefully I’ll have 1000 by Monday. Also, if you don’t already follow me on twitter, I’d love it if you would help me reach my goal! Update (6/6): I made it! As of this morning, I have 1,002 followers!

This month I want to really get the hang of and understand Google Analytics. I’ve been in the dark for way too long!


  • Keep up with budgets on – sort of success – keeping the goal for this month
  • Only eat out on weekends – fail – keeping the goal for this month
  • Wash all dishes immediately after meal – FAIL – keeping the goal for this month
So how did you do on your goals in May? What are some goals you’re setting this month?
Thanks for reading!
Linking up with Gratitude & Goals and Monthly Goals.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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