Meet the Maugeris: Self-Reflection // Priceless Powwows with Pearson

Meet the Maugeris: Self-Reflection // Priceless Powwows with Pearson

I’m joining Brita again today for her Getting to Know You series. She started this series up back in the summer after Guys Behind the Blog ended. Then she turned it into a link up. I joined her in October and I’m back again. And don’t worry, I included some Priceless Powwows with Pearson at the bottom for you to laugh at. So let’s get to it, shall we? P.S. Pearson’s answers are pretty much direct quotes.

How have you become a better person this year?


I think I stopped caring so much about things. I used to be anxious and nervous all the time. I’ve always been a planner. But I think this year I’ve sort of started going with the flow more. I also started communicating my wants and needs better to Pearson.


I’ve slowed down a little bit. I don’t work as many hours as I used to. I don’t do over-nights anymore. We talked more. (He’s talking about communicating with me).

What do you think about creative outlets? Do you have one, and if so, what is it?


Well, I have this blog and I think it’s pretty great! I love blogging and letting my creative juices out that way.


Guitar playing.

In a perfect world, what would be your top 5 priorities in life?


One: God and His Kingdom. 
Two: Pearson. 
Three: The rest of my family. 
Four: My church family and my responsibilities there. 
Five: This blog.


One: Spending time with my wife.
Two: Down time.
Three: Spending time with friends.
Four: Sleeping.
Five: Work? I guess.

What do you want to improve about your life in 2017?


I want to continue working on our marriage and finding fun things to do together and goals to work toward as a team. I also want to be more confident. In myself, in God, and in Pearson.


Not procrastinate as much. (Then I read him what I wrote) Ditto. What you said. The first part, at least. And learn stuff together.


Back story: We were laying in bed talking about something completely unrelated to the following.

Him: Italians are weird.
Me: Did you say medallions or Italians?
Him: The second one.

*A few minutes later*
Him: Sorry I’m so tired. I think I just fell asleep.
Me: Yeah you did. And you were talking in your sleep.
Him: Really?
Me: Yeah. You said “Italians are weird.”
Him: What?
Me: Yeah and I said “Did you say medallions or Italians?” and you said “The second one.”

*A few minutes later I moved and he jerked awake.*
Him: Sorry. I think I was asleep again.
Me: You were. Sorry I woke you up.
Him: It’s alright. If you stir you get Crock-Pot food that talks to you.

*I think he’d had a really long day*

Him: I want Liam Neeson to be my father and I want Chris Pratt to be my brother… And I want Anna Kendrick to be my sister, since we’re now building a celebrity family.
Him: My students said I was nice and a good teacher but I just wasn’t always prepared. I have way too much on my mind but that’s okay. I’m going to attack 2017.
Me: Your word of the year for 2017 should be “organized.”
Him: No my word of the year is going to be “attack!” Or some derivative of that like “ack.”
So there you have another round of Meet the Maugeris and Priceless Powwows. What did you think? Does your husband ever say funny things like this? Again, I’m linking up with Brita for Getting to Know You. Check out her post for next month’s questions and join us!

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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