Thankful Thursday: Role Models for Marriage (#LoveBlog2017 – Linkup & Giveaway)

Thankful Thursday: Role Models for Marriage (#LoveBlog2017 – Linkup & Giveaway)

I’m co-hosting #LoveBlog2017 again today! I hope you’ve enjoyed all the prompts and posts. Today’s prompt is Role Models. Click here to see all the rules and prompts. There are only 4 more days after today!

Today is also Thankful Thursday. I’m not posting a Thankful Thursday linkup because I’m hosting Love Blog, but I am going to write this Thankful Thursday style.

Today I am thankful for the many role models we have for our marriage. Both of my sets of grandparents have been married for more than 50 years. My parents have been married for 32 years and and Pearson’s parents have been married 29 years. We both have aunts and uncles who’ve been married 25-30 years.

Marriage is important in our families. All these people have taught us a lot and showed us how to treat each other by their examples.

My grandma has dementia and my grandpa has stuck to her side doing everything for her. In sickness and in health.

My other grandparents still call each other “babe” and view each other with so much love.

Both of my grandfathers were in the military and their wives supported them through all that. They raised children together and have served their churches together.

My parents taught me these 10 lessons about marriage, and many more. (They also taught me these 5 lessons on life in general).

Pearson’s parents taught me these 5 life lessons along with many more.

But it’s not only family.

Pearson and I have been blessed with so many role models and mentors. We went to Harding University, a small Christian university. So we were really close to our teachers, dorm parents, advisers, club sponsors and so many other “adults.” Most of them were married. Most of them knew we were dating each other. And while not all of them purposely mentored us on marriage, they taught us by example. Which is kinda the definition of a “role model.”

Outside of Harding, especially in the church (both where we grew up and where we are members now), there are also so many marriage mentors and role models.

And then there were the people who did purposely mentor us on marriage. We went to a couple weekend marriage seminars in college. We attended a marriage Sunday school class for engaged couples for an entire year in college. We went to a few marriage counseling sessions at the counseling center on campus. Our minister did a few sessions with us. And we were “assigned” an older couple as our marriage mentors at our church now.

So as I was saying, we’ve been very blessed in this area. Marriage is tough and it’s nice to see other people who are happy in marriage. And it’s important to have mentors who have been through some tough times together. I am very thankful we have so many wonderful role models in our lives!

What are you thankful for this month?
Thanks for reading!

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Meet your hosts:

Brita – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Bloglovin

Brita Long is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. While her first love will always be Paris, she lives happily with her husband Daniel Fleck in the Atlanta area.

Charlene – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Bloglovin

Charlene is a 20 something wife and fur mamma living in Ohio. She uses her blog, “Enduring All Things” to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.


Kayla – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Bloglovin // Google Plus

Kayla is a 20-something professional and grad student living in a small college town in the Atlanta-area with her hubby and their furbaby, Courage. She enjoys burritos, coffee, and Chickfila. Her favorite past-times include binge-watching television shows and binge-reading thrillers. She runs the lifestyle blog a paper arrow.


Ivanna – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Bloglovin

Ivanna is a registered nurse with a large dose of colorful creativity. She writes at Provocative Joy while working overseas with Mercy Ships. She enjoys the art of head wrapping and the thrill of thrifting. She writes about living intentionally in community, in marriage, and the challenges of making a difference no matter which country she’s in.


#LoveBlog2017 Giveaway:

The #LoveBlog2017 giveaway starts February 1, 2017 and runs through the end of the month. While we love our international readers, this is limited to US residents only due to legal restrictions. To learn more about all the sponsors, check out Belle Brita all month long!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Finally, the link up:

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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