Reading Roundup May {2017}

Reading Roundup May {2017}

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You guys. I wish I had more time to read. Haha that’s funny, right? Because I do have time to read. But I spend that time on social media and other mind-less, time-wasting tasks. But you know why?

Well, one reason is because I’m addicted. I’ll admit it. Another is because I use social media to promote and grow my blog. I’m becoming more and more of an “influencer” online and I love it! And another reason is because I feel guilty reading when I should be blogging, working on my social media game, working out, or doing housework,

So when I “have time” to sit down and read, I instead spend that time on my phone because I feel a little less guilty for that. And because the time just gets away from me when I’m on my phone.

Anyway, all this to say I’m going to make a real effort to read more this summer. In the name of self-care, I’m going to (try to) change my attitude about getting everything done before I can enjoy myself. Even if I have to schedule reading time into my calendar and then turn off my phone during that time.

Oh, and I should let you know that I plan to read all “children’s” books this summer: Narnia, Harry Potter, Mary Poppins, The Wizard of Oz, Anne of Green Gables etc.

But enough of my rambling! Let’s get to what I’ve read this month, shall we? And this may look like a lot after everything I’ve said above but the reason I read this much is because I read a lot on the plane to and from Oregon, I read children’s books that take no time at all, and I finished a few books that I started last month.

The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis

You guys, I’ve never read this one before! I’m pretty sure the only Narnia books I read growing up were The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (because I had to for school – the entire thing was in one of my literature text books).

Anyway, it was fantastic! I highly suggest it to anybody: child or adult! It set up the scene for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe so beautifully. I got so excited every time I recognized anything from the future book. And I loved the parallels to the creation story in the Bible. It was really cool!

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

This one was much more similar to stories in the Bible than I remember as well. There were so many parallels that I just loved. It was a lot of fun going back and reading a classic from my childhood. I highly suggest doing that! I can’t wait to finish the rest of the Narnia books!

The Cactus Who Craved a Hamburger {and other stories} by Rachel Guerrero

Ok so my blog-friend, Rachel of The Random Writings of Rachel, wrote a children’s book! She lives in Malaysia and shares her home with several different interesting creatures on a regular basis. She started to make up stories about these creatures and eventually turned some of them into a children’s book!

As I’m sure you know, I don’t have children. But I still bought the book and read it myself. It was very entertaining and I’d say certainly not just for children. While the stories may be a little silly and involve a talking cactus and his adventures with a cicak (a lizard), it’s more than just a picture book. In fact, there are a few full pages without a single picture. Oh and I should add that there are 3 short stories.

To read more about it click here and here.

I received this book for free as part of the launch team. All opinions are mine alone.

I talked about this book in my last Reading Roundup, last month’s Thankful Thursday post, and a little in my Oregon recap. Y’all, Amberly is brilliant. This e-book is so much more than a list of date ideas. She has a few chapters on researched based reasons you should continue to date your spouse and the benefits of that as well as tips on how to make it a priority in every stage of life. Then she gets into the date ideas organized by category and each idea has a paragraph or two explaining just what you can do on this date. I have gotten some great ideas already and I’m inspired to make date night a big priority in our marriage again!

What did you read this month? Link up below!
Thanks for reading!

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Tayler from The Morrell Tale

Charlene from Enduring All Things

Autumn from Stay Gold Autumn

How It Works:

  • Reading Roundup will happen the last Tuesday of every month! The linkup will be open for two weeks!
  • There really aren’t “rules.” This is free and open. We are book lovers and want to read about your books!
  • Link up a post of a book review you did from this month. Or, a roundup of book reviews you did this month.
  • Try to hop around and engage on other people’s book reviews! Make some new friends!
  • Grab this pinnable image to put on the bottom of your post! (But, no pressure to do so!)
Reading Roundup

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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