Reading Roundup June {2017}

Reading Roundup June {2017}

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Last month I talked about how I actually have time to read but I never do it. Well if the number of books I read this month is any indication, I still never do it.

Here’s to trying again next month.

Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin

So I didn’t technically read this book. I listened to it. I’m part of a lifestyle challenge group on Facebook. We encourage each other and hold each other accountable for working out, eating clean, and anything else in life including reading a personal development book as a group. We could choose from 3 books this month and this is the one I chose. Also, I think I’ve found a great new way to read: by listening in the car! After I finished this last week, I started listening to a read through of the bible on YouVersion!

Anyway, I thought this book was pretty great! I don’t agree with everything she said, but she did a lot of research about habit forming. Most of it was stuff I knew already, but I loved the way she presented most of it. She categorizes everybody into “four basic tendencies” and, just like in every personality test ever taken, Pearson and I are exact opposites! I am an Obliger with a little bit of Upholder and he is a Rebel with a little bit of Questioner.

Gretchen really emphasizes a lot that people are different and strategies that work for some people, might not work for others. For example, some people are larks (morning people) and some are owls (night people). Usually, in the context of creating better habits, larks will try to convince owls that waking up earlier is the answer. But that’s just not true for them.

Likewise, some people are abstainers and some people are moderators. Moderators usually try to convince Abstainers that it will be easier to stay away from sweets (for example) if they allow themselves to indulge every once in a while. But the reality is, for Abstainers, it’s easier to completely abstain and not ever event think about it.

The point is to basically be you. Decide what habits you want to have and find ways to do them and make them easier to do. Then don’t make the choice again. You’ve already made the choice to work out every day so when you wake up, you don’t have to decide. The decision is already made.

I really liked the book. I found it insightful even if I’ve still had a hard time putting it into practice. I would recommend this book to anybody wanting to better themselves though!

What have you read this month? Link up below!
Thanks for reading!

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Meet Your Hosts

Tayler from The Morrell Tale

Charlene from Enduring All Things

Autumn from Stay Gold Autumn

How It Works:

  • Reading Roundup will happen the last Tuesday of every month! The linkup will be open for two weeks!
  • There really aren’t “rules.” This is free and open. We are book lovers and want to read about your books!
  • Link up a post of a book review you did from this month. Or, a roundup of book reviews you did this month.
  • Try to hop around and engage on other people’s book reviews! Make some new friends!
  • Grab this pinnable image to put on the bottom of your post! (But, no pressure to do so!)
Reading Roundup

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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