Monthly Goals for April {2016}

Monthly Goals for April {2016}

Happy April (again) everyone! One of the weirdest things I’ve experienced here in Ohio is snow in April. We’ve had snow every April that we’ve lived here and I’m not happy about it. This week we had flurries so I’m grateful it wasn’t more than that like it has been in the past. But still. It’s April. It’s after Easter. I should be able to wear fun spring dresses and sandals. Not so. Ugh.

Anyway, sorry this post is just now going live on April 5th but I had another post I wanted to publish on Friday and I enjoyed my weekend without much blogging. Anyway, without further adieu, lets get on with my goals for this month. Side Note: I failed at all my goals last month so I’m not going to be updating on that end. I’ll just talk about my goals for this month. Go back and read Friday’s post if you want to see how terrible March was for me.

Word of the Year:

I’m going to try to write in my journal every night again and that journaling will include writing down gifts. I think keeping a list of gifts I am thankful for, mostly the small things, will help me stay present. Present is my word of the year.


I am going to finish the book, Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. I am part of an online community called Prayerful Bloggers. This month we are reading Fervent as a group and I am actually co-hosting a webinar on the 28th to talk about what we’ve learned from the book. We would love to have you join us! Just head over to the Prayerful Bloggers blog post introducing the book and sign up!


I will be doing another round of the 21 Day Fix soon. And this time I will stay on track! My best friend has decided to do it with me and I think having accountability with someone I am very close to (as opposed to a Facebook group of strangers) will really help.


I actually did meet a goal in this category last month! I finished reading The Princess Bride. This month I will finish The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and I will start on The Two Towers. My goal is to finish all three LotR books by June. Can you believe I’ve never read them?


I think we actually met our goal of going on one date per week last month as well. This month I want to continue that! I want to focus on really planning those dates ahead of time and making them special.


This month I want to try to get my page views back up to where they were in January and February. That may be a stretch because I don’t plan on posting as much as I did in those months but that just means I have to focus on getting more eyes on the posts I do publish. I’m also setting the goal to schedule all my posts in advance. I’ve already failed that one today but starting tomorrow it will happen. I also want to get my newsletter all ready to go in May and get my newsletter freebie created! Exciting stuff!


Pearson and I will be a lot better about keeping up with our budget on
I will be in bed by 11 on work nights. I’ve actually done really well with this so far. But on the flip side, I don’t want to snooze in the mornings. This part I haven’t done so great with.
So what are your goals for this month?
Thanks for reading!

Linking up with Gratitude & Goals and Monthly Goals.
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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