You Jealous?

You Jealous?

I just booked our hotel for my best friend’s wedding! Woohoo! I am so excited for this it’s ridiculous. Ashley and Taylor are finally tying the knot and I get to be a part of it. And it is really happening too, because I booked a hotel! Woot Woot. But seriously.

This event (the booking of the hotel) made me think about all the fun things coming up in the life of the Maugeri’s…

So a couple weekends ago, (yes this is a fun thing in the past but I still wanna talk about it) Pearson and I flew to Memphis Friday night and flew back to Columbus Sunday night. We went for Ashley and Taylor’s wedding showers. It was a refresher to have a break (even if so small) from normal life and to see friends we haven’t seen in a while. It was so much fun to spend the weekend with a bunch of girls (for me) and with the guys (for him). Don’t get me wrong, I love being married and I love my husband, but sometimes you just need a little girl time, ya know?

In two weeks we will be going to Searcy for Harding Spring Sing!!!

If you don’t know, Spring Sing is a production that Harding University puts on every Easter weekend. It includes several ‘club shows’, host and hostess acts, and ensemble numbers. The club shows are 7 minute segments of nothing but singing and choreography preformed by members of social clubs. Our freshman year, Pearson and I did the Chi Omega Pi/Delta Gamma Rho show. It was a beach theme with swimsuits from the early 1900’s and it was so much fun! (I think some people may kill me for posting these pictures but it is so worth it!)
Me and Kellum, my awesome roommate!
Look at that handsome lifeguard!
Weren’t we precious?

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing the show (we are of course going to the Saturday night finale show). But I am also ecstatic to see everyone and just be on campus again. It’s been too long. I miss everyone.

After we get back from Spring Sing, we will be getting ready for a summer full of weddings and showers. There are several couples that go to church with us getting married over this summer and some more from Harding as well. We are going to try to go to as many as we can.

And last but not least, our one year anniversary trip to… Drum roll please… New York City!! Pearson has never been and I have been wanting to go with him for a long time. I love New York. We are going to see a Broadway show. Probably “Wicked” since I haven’t seen it (I know, can you believe it?). We will go to China Town, of course, and other shopping areas. For the rest of the time we will just hang out in the city that never sleeps. I am so stoked!

Thanks for reading!
Love, a very excited, Mrs. Charlene Maugeri

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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