Spending Quality Time {I Mean REAL Quality Time} With My Husband {Marriage Goals}

Spending Quality Time {I Mean REAL Quality Time} With My Husband {Marriage Goals}

This month, my marriage goals are going to focus on spending Quality Time with my husband because that is his primary love language. Quality time is my primary love language as well so I thought I was pretty good at it until I read The 5 Love Languages for our Meaningful Marriage Book Study last month. If you missed my post this weekend about what I learned from the book, you can read it HERE.

The first goal I am going to really focus on this month is to put away technology in the evenings and spend quality time with Pearson when he gets home, without distractions! I have set this as a goal before an I am really not very good at it. This month I plan to change that. The 5 Love Languages really opened my eyes to how important it is to spend quality time with my husband.

Another thing that really stood out to me about quality time and in particular, quality conversation, is that I need to share as well as listen. I talked quite a bit about this in my post on Saturday. There are plenty of times that I do not want to open up to Pearson. I either think whatever is bothering me is not important enough to bother him with or I don’t want him to know my weaknesses and insecurities. It has always really bothered Pearson that I don’t open up and share, but I always just attribute that to him wanting to be a good husband or something and that if I really told him, he would be sorry.

What The 5 Love Language made me realize is that, since Pearson’s primary love language is Quality Time, his love tank will never really be full until I open up to him.

So my second goal for this month is to have quality conversation with Pearson often. During this quality conversation, I will not only listen to Pearson, but to also open up to him and express my own feelings. It won’t be easy, but it is oh so worth it!

What are your marriage or relationship goals for this month? Go link up with Amberly!
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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