Confession Session

Confession Session

Sometimes I hide dirty dishes in the oven when someone is coming over. Most recently this was for maintenance men coming in the apartment to pin point a water main leak in the building. They aren’t worth actually doing the dishes (especially since I didn’t have time to do them when I found out), but they are worth hiding them.

I continue to put milk in my coffee that’s at least 2 days past the expiration date. Sometimes older. I can’t taste a difference and I haven’t gotten sick yet.

I have known all my life that I eventually want to be a Stay-at-Home-Mom with my children one day. All of my life decisions so far have been made with that in the back of my mind.

I’ve completely burned through my “bookstore” candle from Megan for the #PamperYourselfSwap. I’ve only had it for 3 weeks!

I am a little obsessed with the Duggars of 19 Kids and Counting. I don’t quite know what it is but that show is just so addicting. It’s so interesting to see how they live with 19 kids and stay true to their values.

I got a #PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks in case anyone out there still doesn’t know what that means) on August 25. It was 85 degrees outside, I wore shorts and flip flops and Fall didn’t officially start for another month, but I didn’t care! I got my first pumpkin fix and it was wonderful. And I’ve had a couple more since then.

I finally shaved my legs the other night for the first time in several weeks. And yes it has been Summertime. And yes I was wearing shorts and dresses. I just didn’t care.

I’ve been wearing Halloween socks for a while now and they make me so happy! #FavoriteHoliday

I put up my “Fall” decorations on September 1st! The earliest date I would allow myself to do it. They are wonderful! Sub confession: I might have more Fall decorations than Christmas decorations. At least when you count Fall stuff and Halloween stuff together.

I am excited for Fall. Can you tell?

What do you confess today?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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