10 Date Ideas for the Holiday Season

10 Date Ideas for the Holiday Season

*This post was updated on December 12, 2019
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The Holiday Season can be so hectic and busy. I get it. I’m just as busy and stressed out as the next person. But that is NOT an excuse to neglect your husband and your relationship. I really encourage you (and I’m talking to myself here too) to make time for your marriage, especially this time of year. Slow down, relax, and do something fun with your partner.

To help you out a little, I’ve come up with ten fun date ideas for the holiday season. Some of these are simple. Some allow you to check things off your to-do list together. And some are elaborate, all out, dates! Enjoy!

Related: 10 Fun Date Ideas to Try This Winter

The holidays are busy but that doesn't mean you should neglect your spouse. Here are 10 simple yet fun date ideas for the holiday season!
175 best date ideas

10 Date Ideas for the Holiday Season

ONE || Decorate the tree.

We still don’t have our tree decorated. Long story. But I’ve had plenty of time myself to do it while Pearson has been working late this week. But I haven’t because I want to do it with him. It’s so much more fun that way and that’s some quality time to spend together.

TWO || Wrap gifts.

This is another thing that has to be done over the holidays. Even if Pearson doesn’t really do much to help (he’ll be the first to admit he’s not great at it) I still like having him there with me. Sometimes we’ll watch some Christmas movie or special while wrapping and before I know it, it’s all done!

THREE || Attend your office and/or church Christmas party.

To me, these parties are usually a lot of fun but I know a lot of people don’t enjoy them very much. Well, bring your spouse and make a date out of it. When it gets boring, laugh at your own inside jokes. Make fun of the speeches. Play footsie under the table. Flirt. Make it fun in ways only you and your spouse can!

FOUR || Drive around and look at Christmas lights.

This is something Pearson and I have done every year since our dating days. I love it! We typically go to dinner first. Then we stop somewhere (Starbucks) to pick up some Christmas themed coffee or hot chocolate, crank up the Christmas music and drive around the most elaborate and rich neighborhoods in our area.

FIVE || TSO concert. 

We go to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra Concert every year. And we try to do a different venue every year. The year before we were married, we drove to Little Rock from Harding. The next year we went to Cincinnati, then Cleveland last year and TOMORROW we’ll be seeing them in Dayton! And guess what! This year they’re starting a new concert. It won’t be the same as the last 3 years! Not that I would mind anyway. They blow me away every year. I just love this tradition!

SIX || Shopping date.

Shopping is another one of those things that is unavoidable this time of year but is also a lot more fun with your husband. Well, sometimes it is. Sometimes when I am shopping Pearson is bored and just stands around, but for some reason, during the holidays, he’s much more into it. I don’t know if it’s the music, the decorations, the sales, or just the Christmas atmosphere in general, but I’m certainly not complaining.

SEVEN || Make/decorate cookies.

This is a tradition Pearson’s family does every year. I admire that. His mom makes home-made dough and icing and the kids sit around the kitchen table cutting out shapes and then once they’re bakes, they decorate their own. We don’t always get to participate and I’m pretty sure we won’t this year so I want to do our own version!

EIGHT || Zoo lights.

The Columbus Zoo (and I’m sure others do to) puts up a lot of Christmas lights and opens in the evenings this time of year. It’s always fun because they do shows with the lights and you can walk around and see all the animals. I love the zoo anyway and adding Christmas lights just makes it that much better.

NINE || Movies. 

You know this is the time of year for great movies! So here’s a no-brainer date idea! We’ve already seen Interstellar and Mockingjay. And we’ve bought tickets for The Hobbit. I also want to see Annie, Exodus, Night at the Museum, Into the Woods, and Unbroken. I doubt we’ll see them all (that will get expensive). But we’ll see!

TEN || Game Night.

Why not take an evening to relax and get away from all the hustle and bustle by playing board and card games next to the glow of the tree with Christmas music playing in the background. Doesn’t that just sound heavenly?

So there you go. I really hope some of these date ideas help to keep your relationship a priority during the holiday season.

What did I miss? What would you add to my list?

Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

20 thoughts on “10 Date Ideas for the Holiday Season

  1. These are great suggestions! This weekend I’m going to whip up a batch of hot cocoa and head out to see the lights!

  2. These are such good ideas! We do so many of these things together every year. It’s a great way to start your own traditions, too!

  3. These sounds fun to do, thanks for sharing ideas like these, enough with the old boring traditions. Jk.😉

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