Peony Project – Peace

Peony Project – Peace

Wanna know something I’ve noticed about myself lately? I have to constantly be doing something multiple things at once. It’s very tiring and it’s getting worse.

If’ I’m watching TV, I’m also playing games on my phone.

If I’m working out, I’m also listening to music, and thinking about what I need to get done that day.

If I’m reading (which doesn’t happen as often as I’d like), I stop at the end of each chapter to check social media.

If I’m doing the dishes, I have my Chromebook sitting on the counter with Netflix on.

If it’s a not-so-exciting day of work, I listen to an audio book or radio show on Spotify.

I even get bored while talking on the phone and find myself putting it on speaker so I can play a game  or browse social media at the same time.

Basically, I didn’t make any progress toward a more simple life like I talked about in my last Peony Project post. I’m starting to annoy myself so I know it’s annoying to others. I just can’t stand to be idle. If I can’t even focus on one task at a time, how will I ever be able to be still and find God’s peace?

God wants us to be still and let him surround us (Psalm 46:10). I can’t remember the last time I was still and just sat in God’s presence. I haven’t read my Bible in longer than I care to admit. I only truly pray and spend time talking to God when I’m laying in bed at night and can’t sleep. I love working or reading to the sounds of a rain shower or thunderstorm, but I can’t remember the last time I truly sat down and watched a storm and was mesmerized by God’s awesome power. That used to be one of my favorite things to do!

I was reading Little Women on the plane on Sunday (that’s the only time I really get any good reading in because I’m isolated from cell service and internet) and I came across the part where Amy sets up a little chapel in her closet at Aunt March’s house so she can go and be alone with God to pray for Beth who was sick with Scarlet Fever. What a great idea!

I want to set up a “chapel” for myself. I don’t want anything elaborate, but I want a space that’s only to be used for meditation, prayer, and biblical study. I think it will really help cut back on distractions. But where? My apartment is so tiny. We have the bedroom which can’t be isolated for only meditation. There’s the guest room/office which I use for work and blogging. Then the kitchen, living room, dining room, and bathroom all used for other things.

I suppose I could set up a corner in the living room but I still think there will be distractions. Maybe I’ll find a spot outside, but I’ll probably still get distracted. I love nature and now that it’s getting warmer, I want to spend as much time out there as possible.

Maybe it’s more of a time issue than a space issue. Maybe I need to set aside a block of time out of my day to sit and be still with no distractions instead of designating a block of space. I’ll turn off my phone, close my computer, and hide my books. I’ll sit on the couch with my Bible, lay in bed and pray, sit on the patio with a journal, or go for a walk while listening to worship music. However I want to “be still” that day, I’ll do it for an allotted amount of time.

I think I’ll start with 15 minutes. I don’t want to start with too much, get discouraged and quit. Now to only decide on a time of day. Lunch? Right after work? Before bed? As soon as I wake up? I think I’ll do it right after work. Or maybe I’ll exercise right after work and as soon as I finish working on myself physically, I’ll work on myself spiritually. We’ll see how it goes!

Here’s to finding God’s peace that passes understanding. I truly think I will be happier, I won’t get so worked up about little things, and my life will be better in so many ways if I could just make this a regular practice in my day-to-day routine. To simply sit in peace is such a foreign concept to me and I’m working to change that.

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 ESV

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 ESV

10 Be still, and know that I am God… Psalm 46:10 ESV

How do you find God’s Peace in your busy day-to-day life?
Thanks for reading!

Linking up with Betsy for the Peony Project.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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