Letters to the World {May 2015}

Letters to the World {May 2015}

It’s time for some letters to the world! For the last few months I made this a link up but I had no participation so I decided not to this month. (Also I got it out there late today. Oops) Anyway, let me know if you’re interested in making this a link up!

Dear Age of Ultron,
You were as great as I expected. And since we watched all the other marvel movies before you and watched you twice, my love for The Marvel Cinematic Universe has only grown. I feel like quite a nerd now as I read and learn about all the upcoming phases. I’m so excited!

Dear Worthington Community Theatre’s The Music Man,
EEK! I am so excited to be a part of you this year. I haven’t been in a full musical since middle school. Chorus concerts and Spring Sing don’t count. I was so nervous trying out but it wasn’t so bad. And now I have the confidence to try out for more productions with WCT!

Dear Ohio Weather,
Ugh. Would you make up your mind. Last week it got back down into the 50s… A couple weeks ago I was so excited to sit at the pool and all last week it was too cold. Where is spring??

A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@mrsmaugeri) on

Dear Tyler,
Congratulations on graduating!! I am so very proud of you. I am proud of the young man you have become and I can’t wait to see what God has planned for you in the future. Speaking of the future, don’t sweat it. Being an adult is hard at times but it’s also so rewarding. Enjoy it and don’t worry too much about where you’re gonna be down the road. Be present in the here and now!

Dear Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale,
Um what? How can you just do that? For the whole episode I was thinking “OK, everything is getting resolved.” and “Oh I really thought they were going to leave that one open until next season.” and “What in the world are they going to do next season? They’re closing everything up.” And then BAM! Within the last 10 seconds… AHHH! I won’t say anything because spoilers but Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot wait a whole summer! Why do you do this to us!

Dear Once Upon A Time finale,
I’ll admit, the crazy cliffhanger at the end was a little more predictable than the S.H.I.E.L.D. one but still petty crazy! And pretty brilliant. I have thought for a while that you were running out of villains and I was wondering why you had Cruella, Maleficent, and Ursula all in one season. I thought you should spread them out and try to keep the show going longer… That just goes to show you that I am not a television writer. You have your villain for next season and it’s gonna be crazy!!

Dear Fuller House,
WOOOO!!! When you were finally officially announced I seriously did a little dance in my bedroom. I cannot wait for you! I really hope you’re good despite how most revived shows turn out. And despite the fact that you will basically have the exact same story line as Full House. But John Stamos said they waited a long time to get you perfect so I’m hopeful. 2016 cannot get here fast enough!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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