The Perks of Being Married to a Scientist

The Perks of Being Married to a Scientist

A huge part of having a happy and long lasting marriage is focusing on positive aspects of your marriage and your spouse. Nobody likes a Debby Downer. I’ll be honest, I’m not always the most positive person. A lot of times I find myself complaining to Pearson at home. But I always make it a point to show him in a positive light to others. I never complain about him to others and I hate it when other wives put their husbands down in front of me.

I find that looking for positive things about Pearson and our marriage to share with other people helps me to stay focused on the positive all the time. Sometimes, on days when it’s really tough to stay positive and all I can think about are all the bad things going on, I make a list of good things. Whether I actually write them down or make note of them in my head, my mood is always lifted after noticing the number of positives and how they always completely overpower the bad things.

That’s why I love Amberly‘s blog series “The Perks of Being Married to my Spouse.” She has asked several wives from all around blog land to contribute to the series by replacing “my spouse” with an identity of their husband. I’ve loved reading all about the pros (and some cons) of being married to all these different guys and I am so excited that she asked me to contribute today!

So head over to her blog and read my post, The Perks of Being Married to a Scientist!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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