What I Learned in October

What I Learned in October

You guys! Can you believe October is almost over? Usually, this would be very bad news for me because October is my favorite month and when it’s over, we’re even closer to winter. BUT this year, for some reason, I’m really excited for the holidays. Like, more than usual! I feel like a little kid.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Lets get on to what I’ve learned this week, shall we?

I learned that the miracle where Jesus turned water to wine (found in John 2:1-11) shows many things but one of them is that Jesus actually cares about “non-critical” problems, like running out of wine at a wedding. From now on, I’m going to try to remember this whenever I think something is “too small” or “silly” to pray about.

I also learned that the beatitudes (found in Matthew 5:2-10) both begin and and with “theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” I first talked about this on the blog after I taught at our Girls Youth Rally.

Also at the youth rally, I learned that you can’t help but forgive someone you’re praying for.

This month, I learned that if we have a really big fight, Pearson will bring home Panda Express for lunch to make up for it.

I also learned that Furman University, though it’s a small liberal arts school, has science research labs! This means it’s the best of both worlds and Pearson might want to work there after he graduates.

But you know what else, Pearson and I both learned that you can get government funding for science research at places like Harding University too. There was an article in this fall’s Harding Magazine about Dr. Wilson and all of his NASA research. It’s pretty cool!

This month I learned that I’m much more chill than I used to be. My parents came to visit a couple weeks ago and I didn’t worry near as much about cleaning the apartment as I usually do. I also learned that I still get migraines. They just look a little different than they used to back in middle school. And lastly, I learned that The Addams Family Musical is my new favorite musical.

I attended another one of Helene’s live webinars (Get Noticed Now) and learned a lot! One thing Helene said that stood out to me was “How do people know your blog is the best? You have to tell them!” So here I am to tell you! I met almost all my blog goals this month! I got over 250 Bloglovin followers, over 500 Instagram followers, and over 500 Pinterest followers!

I also learned that it’s okay to ask your readers to take action on your blog. My one specific blog goal that I did not quite meet this month is getting to over 400 Twitter followers… So, could you do me a solid and follow me on Twitter if you aren’t already? I’m at 367 so there’s not much more to go and I would love to be able to say I met all my blogging goals this month!

Another thing I learned from the Girls Youth Rally is that people born today will spend 4 YEARS of their lives looking at their phone. How crazy is that? I also learned that Linus stayed out till 4 AM waiting  for the great pumpkin on It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I don’t know how I never caught that in my 25 Halloweens, but isn’t that crazy? Where were those kids’ parents???

What did you learn this month?
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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