Solidarity Sisters: Introducing Nathana

Solidarity Sisters: Introducing Nathana

Hey lovely readers! I have another treat for you on the blog today. Over the last month, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to get to know Nathana from The Engaged Home as my Solidarity Sister. She is such a sweet soul and we have so much in common! Y’all, Susannah’s Solidarity Sisters program is fantastic and I am so glad I got Nathana as a partner this month. If you haven’t signed up for November, go do it now!

Anyway, today Nathana and I decided to feature each other on our blogs. I’m so excited for you readers to get to know this wonderful lady a little better. And if you wanna know my answers to these questions, head over to her blog and check them out!

ONE || Tell us a little bit about yourself! What are your interests, passions, hobbies, day-time job, etc?

I am a full-time wife and mama (outside of running The Engaged Home.) My husband is a youth minister, so I get the wonderful opportunity to serve alongside him and work with terrific teens and families. On the rare occasion that I have free time, I love writing, poetry, reading, baking, catching up over coffee with a friend, crocheting, sewing, playing board games or cuddling and watching TV with my husband, and family road trips.

TWO || What is the main purpose at the heart of your blog, The Engaged Home?

The main purpose of The Engaged Home is to encourage families and provide them with inspiration and tools to strengthen their marriages and families, because what happens at home matters. I focus mostly on the areas of education and faith, but I also love to talk about healthy living. I also love to share from my heart about what is happening in my life and family.

THREE || What are three things you would love to accomplish in life?

I would love to someday have some poetry published. I want to empower my children with a legacy of faith and healthy marriages. I want to be a supportive wife that helps my husband chase his dreams and a mother that is always accessible and willing to genuinely listen the hearts of my children.

FOUR || If someone made a movie of your life, what would it be called? Who would play you?

A movie of my life would be called “Marriage, Motherhood, and Ministry” and I would be played by Jessica Raine. 🙂 Or the girl from Napoleon Dynamite–she looks like me . . .

FIVE || What is your vision for your marriage and future/present family?

I really believe that marriage can and should be a reflection of God and how Jesus loves His church. A healthy, strong marriage can leave an incredible legacy for generations to come. My hope and prayer is that we can raise our children to have a genuine faith that sticks with them throughout life.

SIX || What are your 3 favorite posts you’ve ever written?

Go check out Nathana’s blog and give her some love! You can also find her on social media here: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Thanks for reading!

Simple Moments Stick
Linking up with Simple Moments Stick for the Solidarity Sisters.
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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