Rivalries are Weird, But I Love Them

Rivalries are Weird, But I Love Them

Well guys, Ohio State plays Michigan this week…

I think rivalries are so cool. They’re weird and irrational and frankly, some of the traditions and rituals are just plane stupid. But I love them! I love it when a community comes together for any reason and the community around here sure comes together to hate on Michigan this week every year (all in good fun).
Did you know that every letter “M” on campus is covered in scarlet tape this week? That’s right. The Chemistry buildings currently read “Che istry.” I haven’t found a single “M” missed. Poor McDonald’s.

Of course there’e the infamous Mirror Lake jump, where more than 10,000 students jump into the freezing cold and disgusting lake on campus. Yep and it happened last night… Search “Mirror Lake Jump” on Youtube if you’re so inclined.

There are some pretty cool traditions that support a good cause though! Every year OSU and UM have a “blood battle” in November where they have a blood drive and compete to see who donates more blood. They also compete in food and clothing drives which is pretty cool.

Here is a list of events going on this week in honor of Beat Michigan week. I’m telling you, the community is so fun!

And here are some more cool traditions.

Usually, the young adults group at our church puts together a flag football game on Beat Michigan week but for some reason it didn’t happen this year. The picture above was from last year.

It’s so fun to live within Columbus and near campus this week even if I don’t actually participate in anything.

Buckeye fans, what are your favorite Beat Michigan traditions?
Other people, do you have fun traditions for rivalry week?
Thanks for reading!

P.S. Go Dawgs! Beat Tech! (though in my opinion, Florida is a bigger rival)
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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