Thanksgiving Vacation Recap

Thanksgiving Vacation Recap

Happy December, Everyone!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I sure did and I’m excited to head full force into the Christmas season!

You guys, Pearson and I discovered a new road trip activity. Reading out loud to the driver. On this trip we read, Black Widow: Forever Red. I read to Pearson on the way to Grandma’s (because he drove in the daylight) and he read to me on the way back. The only problem is, we didn’t finish so now we can only finish it when we can read it together. Oh well.

Our road trip reading material. #BlackWidow #ForeverRead #MarvelYA ?? #MaugeriHolidays2k15
A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@charlenemaugeri) on

Also, Pearson wants to get audiobooks for our next trip, which is fine I guess. But I like reading from an actual book and it’s easier to stop the reader and talk about things and say “Can you read that part again?” Oh well.

Anyway, our Thanksgiving vacation was a lot of fun and much needed. We drove a total of 29 hours.
We ate smoked turkey and ham with all the fixings for 3 meals (and still had left overs).

A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@charlenemaugeri) on

We went “Black Friday” shopping. I put that in quotes because we went to the mall in Valdosta around Thursday night around 11 PM and the crowd was about like a regular Saturday at the mall. We only went to people watch so I was a little disappointed. We walked around for maybe an hour and came home.

We played a lot of Frisbee and football in Grandma’s yard.

We watched a lot of football.

We left Grandma’s Friday night and spent the rest of the vacation at Pearson’s parents’ house. We helped them pick out a tree, decorated the outside of their house for Christmas, and had a bonfire with friends (including my brother!).

A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@charlenemaugeri) on

Sunday we went to church and then lunch with a lot of people, including my family. Then we got on the road to head home to Columbus!

It was a wonderful time with family and I can’t wait to see (almost) all of them again in less than a month! I just love the holidays, don’t you?

How was your Thanksgiving weekend?
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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