Welcome to Enduring All Things!

Welcome to Enduring All Things!

Welcome to Enduring All Things!

Hello lovely readers. Yes this is still me, Charlene. But this little blog of mine got a new name and identity.

This blog went through a lot of changes in 2015. I added categories to my sidebar and updated all my tabs in the spring. In August, I decided to change the entire color scheme. I was taking Daniela’s free 10 Day Blog Makeover Challenge and I realized the blog just didn’t have the feel that I wanted.

Then back in November, I purchased the domains, www.enduringallthings.com and www.bisonstobuckeyes.com for a year thinking that, though my blog was changing a lot, I still wasn’t ready to re-brand. (By the way, www.bisonstobuckeyes.com no longer redirects here, but www.enduringallthings.com does).

Then, a few weeks later, I attended a webinar with Daniela and Dre titled “How to Create a Signature Style for your Brand and Blog.” That’s when I realized if I really wanted to blog about marriage, which is what I’m most passionate about, then I needed a brand that reflects that.

I brainstormed A LOT of titles and thought about a tag line, logo, and look as well as some awesome content. “Enduring All Things” comes from 1 Corinthians 13:7, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” I love it because I think it perfectly captures what I want this blog to be about. Love endures all things and so does marriage. I wanted to incorporate the idea that marriage can last forever with my Christian faith and I think “Enduring All Things” accomplishes that.

So here’s what you can expect from Enduring All Things this year!

I plan to post at least every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

On Mondays I will talk about faith. I will share either lessons I learned from my personal study or from a sermon or class I attended. I might share some simple encouragement to start your week. And sometimes I might even create a free printable or wallpaper with scripture on it.

On Wednesdays I will talk about marriage. I got a lot of great info from a survey I conducted a couple months ago about what people struggle with the most in their marriages. (Feel free to fill out the survey if you’re so inclined. I’d love to continue to receive new information). I want to use my blog to help others in their marriage struggles and what better way than to ask what you guys struggle with and work with that information? Anyway, a lot of what people said on the survey were very similar to each other so I will focus on one theme at a time. Starting this Wednesday, I’m going to talk about balancing quality time with your spouse. So stay tuned for that.

On Fridays I will post fun posts. They will mostly be lists like 5 on Friday type stuff.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can expect to see anything and everything else! Here are some examples:

Thanks for reading and for following along with my on my blogging journey so far. I really hope that the new direction this blog is taking will be most beneficial to my readers. Keeping a happy, healthy, and long lasting marriage is something I am very passionate about and I want to use that passion to help and encourage others along the same road.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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