Thankful Thursday: Blogging

Thankful Thursday: Blogging

As I’m sure you noticed, I took a sort of unintentional blogging break for pretty much all of March and most of April. I was completely in a rut. Burnt out from February. And had a huge case of blogger’s block. I blogged so much in January and February that it became a very stressful chore. No longer an enjoyable hobby.

But I started to miss blogging after several weeks of neglecting the blog (or at least blogging very little). So when I was ready to start blogging again and I had no ideas, I was a little let down. It’s hard to come back from a break. I got used to not blogging. My mind was out of practice.

Then, when I somehow got the creative juices moving again last week, new ideas were flowing through my head faster than I could write them down. And it’s awesome! I sort of forgot how awesome blogging is.

I am thankful for the outlet blogging has given me.

I am thankful for the hobby it has become for me while Pearson works late.

I am thankful for the friends I’ve made while blogging even though I work from home and never see people in real life.

I am thankful for my readers and the feeling I get when I am able to help them even if it’s on a very small scale.

I am thankful for blogging.

What are you thankful for this month? Link up below and remember you can link up ANY post about gratitude as long as it hasn’t been linked to this party yet.
Thanks for reading!


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Charlene: Bloglovin // Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest // Snapchat
Brita: Twitter // Instagram // Facebook // Pinterest // Tumblr // Google+

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Enduring All Things | Thankful Thursday

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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