Meet the Maugeris: #LoveBlog2017 // Priceless Powwows with Pearson

Meet the Maugeris: #LoveBlog2017 // Priceless Powwows with Pearson

Today is the last day of #LoveBlog2017! It’s sort of a bittersweet moment. While I have enjoyed this year’s challenge better than last year, there were still a few times when it was late and I didn’t have my post ready for my co-hosting responsibility the next day and I was frustrated. It happens, though right?

Today is also the last Tuesday of the month meaning it’s time for Brita’s Getting to Know You link up. Since today’s #LoveBlog2017 prompt is “LoveBlog,” Brita wrote her Getting to Know You questions all about LoveBlog. So let’s just dive on in, shall we?

What did you learn from this blog challenge?


I learned that I’m not as disciplined with my blogging as I thought I was. And I learned a lot of little tidbits from all the wonderful and insightful posts that were linked up!


Me? Nothing… That you did it a lot.

What do you like most about being (or being married to) a blogger?


The community is my favorite part. I love having a bond with other bloggers all over the world. Often I feel my blog friends are closer than my friends IRL. The internet is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?


I can read your writing and I know a lot of other people can too. So that’s pretty cool. Because I already know that stuff about you but everyone else gets to as well.

Which #LoveBlog post did you like most? Why?


Of mine? Probably either The Pros and Cons of Marrying your High School Sweetheart. Being married to my High School sweetheart is my favorite thing in the world. I decided pretty last minute that I wanted to write about this for the prompt, “Past, Present, and Future” and once I did, the post just flowed from my fingers. Those are the best kind.


The one Charlene wrote on my birthday “My wish for you” or something.

How is writing for #LoveBlog different than writing during other months?


The difference is that I’m given a prompt to write about and a lot of times that allows me to be even more creative. Sometimes I draw a complete blank when coming up with post ideas and topics. But if I’m given just a little direction, I can usually run with it. Also, having due dates, especially on the days I co-hosted, made me buckle down and write. I couldn’t keep putting it off even though I tried.


For me? It’s not different… How have you seen it different for me? Uh… You’ve been posting more at 6:00 in the morning. What do you mean by that? Like last night you stayed up when you were co-hosting because it had to go live at 6 but other times you can finish the post in the morning.


I was terrible this month about writing down “Priceless Powwows.” There were so many good ones but I don’t remember them. I only wrote two down. 🙁
Back Story: Pearson created a playlist of  “Falcons pump-up music” to prepare for the super bowl. It was playing in our apartment for days before the game. One night, he was grading papers and “Turn Down for What” came on.
Him: (singing along) This song makes me forget things.
Me: I haven’t watched any of any award show this year. Like not even little snippets or videos online.
Him: Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies.
Me: And they’re yummy!
Him: Yeah! Better than the light side cookies. They don’t even use gluten.
Me: Gross!
Him: Yeah you can never trust elves with juice cleanses.
Me: …..

You can’t make this stuff up, folks! What did you think? Does your husband ever say funny things like this?

Link up any posts about LoveBlog below!

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Meet your hosts:

Brita – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Bloglovin

Brita Long is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. While her first love will always be Paris, she lives happily with her husband Daniel Fleck in the Atlanta area.

Charlene – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Bloglovin

Charlene is a 20 something wife and fur mamma living in Ohio. She uses her blog, “Enduring All Things” to inspire young wives to keep God first and their husbands second in everything they do.

Kayla – Blog // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Facebook // Bloglovin // Google Plus

Kayla is a 20-something professional and grad student living in a small college town in the Atlanta-area with her hubby and their furbaby, Courage. She enjoys burritos, coffee, and Chickfila. Her favorite past-times include binge-watching television shows and binge-reading thrillers. She runs the lifestyle blog a paper arrow.


#LoveBlog2017 Giveaway:

The #LoveBlog2017 giveaway starts February 1, 2017 and runs through the end of the month. While we love our international readers, this is limited to US residents only due to legal restrictions. To learn more about all the sponsors, check out Belle Brita all month long!

Finally, the link up:

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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