Reading Roundup February {2017} – linkup

Reading Roundup February {2017} – linkup

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Welcome to the second official month of the Reading Roundup linkup! I sort of read two books again this month! I say “sort of” because one of them was actually more of a short story and I read it in one hour on my lunch break. And the other took me a while because I just didn’t enjoy it. But before I get to far into that, lets get to the reviews, shall we?

The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

So this book is a short story. My copy only had 62 pages. I read it in an hour on my lunch break one day. As you probably guessed because it was written by Gillian Flynn (author of Gone Girl, Dark Places and Sharp Objects), The Grownup is a mystery/thriller. 
Fair warning, the main character has a questionable job. The first page of the book was sort of a shock but I turned the page and kept reading because it was only 62 pages and I’d heard it was pretty good. It turns out there aren’t many details about her day job and while an aspect of the job comes into play later, the shocking/illegal/immoral stuff wasn’t a big part of the story.
Ok now that all of that is out of the way… Wow. Wow. If you’re into mysteries, dude! I could not put it down. And again, it took me less than an hour to read. You get sucked in from the beginning with a behind the scenes type of look into this girl’s childhood and life. It’s written in first person which I’ve mentioned before that I like. Your heart starts racing toward the middle and then BAM! A crazy twist! But wait, maybe things were actually as they seemed all along?!?
I’m afraid I may have already given too much away. Anyway, I spent the entire book trying to figure out the answer and frankly, that answer never came. But in a way, I like that. In a way, even though it sort of feels like a cop-out, I like that I can fill in the ending with my own imagination. Similar to the last four words of the Gilmore Girls revival.
This short story definitely made me want to read some more from Gillian Flynn. I’ve been meaning to get into her work for a while and now it’s just more urgent!

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

I’m not going to lie. I kind of hated this book. It was really slow at first. And then once you get to the last third of the book, it picks up a little, but not the way I was expecting. There wasn’t much suspense like I felt in The Grownup. And sure it’s a mystery but I had my guess at the answer from the very beginning and never changed my mind. There was a little twist at the end but even that was somewhat predictable. The whole concept was pretty disturbing and the thriller/mystery aspect (or lack thereof) was not worth all the sex and drugs. I DO NOT recommend this book to anybody.
I’m a little sad that I disliked this book so much because I’ve only heard good things about Gillian Flynn. I can’t decide whether I want to continue reading her books or not. Maybe I’ll try Gone Girl. I don’t know.

So there you have it. I read two books by Gillian Flynn. One I loved and one I hated. Have you ever read either of these? What did you think? Link up any book reviews from this month below!
Thanks for reading!

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Meet Your Hosts

Tayler from The Morrell Tale

Charlene from Enduring All Things

Autumn from Stay Gold Autumn

How It Works:

  • Reading Roundup will happen the last Tuesday of every month! The linkup will be open for two weeks!
  • There really aren’t “rules.” This is free and open. We are book lovers and want to read about your books!
  • Link up a post of a book review you did from this month. Or, a roundup of book reviews you did this month.
  • Try to hop around and engage on other people’s book reviews! Make some new friends!
  • Grab this pinnable image to put on the bottom of your post! (But, no pressure to do so!)
Reading Roundup

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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