A Recap of our Awesome Anniversary Week

A Recap of our Awesome Anniversary Week

How we celebrated our 5th anniversary. Spoiler alert: we celebrated all week
Well, Pearson and I have been married for FIVE years as of Friday! But if you read my blog, you probably already knew that because I talked about it on Thursday and Friday last week. Sorry, not sorry! 
We had an awesome week! I really wanted to make our 5th anniversary memorable because 5 years is a great accomplishment. I’m so glad Pearson was on board!

You guys, we celebrated all week. And that’s thanks to The Dating Divas’ Anniversary Countdown! This little count down is so cute and it’s all done for you in cute little printables.

This little count down printable was so fun! We had something fun to do each day of the week leading up to our anniversary. The scavenger hunt was my favorite!

On Monday we danced to our wedding song, Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat. We actually sang it as a duet in our wedding. We didn’t have dancing at our reception so I consider this our wedding song.

On Tuesday, we watched our wedding video. That was a lot of fun! I don’t think I’ve watched it since our first anniversary!

On Wednesday, we played The Dating Divas’ (free) Not-so-Newlywed Game. Those questions definitely got us talking. And we actually didn’t do as horribly as I thought we would.

On Thursday, I sent Pearson on an anniversary scavenger hunt! Y’all I think this was my favorite day! At least, it was my favorite aside from Friday, our actual anniversary. All I had to do was print out the cute clues and find something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue! For the old, I used the toasting flutes we used in our wedding. For something new, I used one of the gifts I got Pearson this year; a new wallet. For something borrowed, I checked out the movie, Transcendence from the library. And for something blue, I bought him some new blue socks! I hid them where I was supposed to and attached the next clue to each item. I think Pearson actually really enjoyed this one too. It wasn’t too extravagant having only 4 items. And all the clues are right there in the Anniversary Countdown pack just waiting to be printed and cut out!

We celebrated our 5th anniversary with an all out dinner at The Melting Pot

On Friday, we went to The Melting Pot and held nothing back! We went for the whole shebang; cheese fondue, salad, main course (lots of meat), and chocolate fondue for dessert. We also got all dressed up. Pearson wore a coat and tie! I wore a LuLaRoe Amelia dress and even curled my hair! And… Because I’m the worst blogger ever… We didn’t take any pictures. Not even a selfie.

On Saturday, Pearson worked all day but when he got home (super late), we popped some bubbly and toasted our 5 years of marriage.

A fun little bored game to get the anniversary party started!

And on Sunday, we played the Anniversary Bedroom Game. Again, Pearson was actually pretty into this game too. It’s fun to mix things up sometimes, am I right?

Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, The Dating Divas’ Anniversary Guide is FREE! Tons of anniversary ideas right at your your fingertips at no cost!

What did you do for your anniversary this year?
What are you planning if it’s coming up soon?
Thanks for reading!

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

6 thoughts on “A Recap of our Awesome Anniversary Week

  1. Glad you guys had such a great anniversary celebration!! I've always wanted to go to the Melting Pot but never actually did it. Dipping stuff in melted chocolate is the best. At my sister's wedding last month there was a chocolate fountain and I pretty much stood next to it eating chocolate covered strawberries for way too long during the reception…

  2. Haha yeah. I sort of try to keep that a secret. Well, I guess I just don't advertise it. When we watched our wedding video a couple weeks ago (as mentioned in this post) we both cringed. We were super nervous and, we'll just say, not perfectly in key the whole time. haha

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